Hey Guys, wow it's been FOREVER. But I have come to realize how therapudic (spelling?) writing in livejournal can be so I think I'm back or at least I'm gunna try to keep up with this. But since my 16th birthday (my last post) things have changed drastically.
1. I have grown up & changed a lot
2. I am in love.
3. Justin, do you remember Justin? has left for the Marines.
4. I got a job... at Mickey D's. lmao.
5. I am graduating Junior yr really soon.
6. My major is going to be Accounting.
7. I died my hair a little bit
8. My Style has changed a lot.
9. I have a lot of new friends.
10. I have found self confidence.
11. I have a
I have a lot going on right now and I know writing about it will help me a lot. Cause it used to a lot when I wrote in here. lol Myspace doesn't quite do the same. But as far as activities right now. Junior & Senior Prom are coming soon & I will be attending both. I hafta wait for my dress to come back from the Phillipines where it is getting made. I really hope it fits correcty becauseeeeee It is arriving back 4 days before Prom. lol so it really has to fit. for real.
Other than that Exams are coming. JEEZ this year is ALMOST over & so much has happened. but I know nobody likes to read long long long annoying entries so I'll leave all that stuff out for now. alright show me some love darlings. I've missed you.