My Early Romances

Apr 23, 2004 23:07

When it came to boys I started a little earlier than normal girls. I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and being cold I had to find someone to warm myself next to. I only lived here though until I was 2 and a half and when I say warm myself I mean nap together or share a blanket on the porch. I was walking and talking at 2 and so was my neighbor who was my age. I'm not sure what his name was but my mom said we were really close and we never left each others side. There are a few pictures of us sitting on the steps together but that is the only evidence I have of this early romance. Of course maybe if I had stayed in that Artic wasteland we could have been that cute couple that knew each other from birth but unfortunately i wasn't destined for such an uber romantic life.

My second relationship I can remember from my childhood would be that of a young man I met at daycare. When my parents divorced my dad moved to New Jersey and became a very successful Systems Analyst which meant I had to spend work hours in a day care. The woman who ran it eventually became my stepmother but back to the budding love. I must have been between the ages of 4 and 6 but me and this boy would hide in the closet, under the cribs, in the bathroom and give each other little bird kisses. Of course we weren't aware of the implications these bird kisses had because when we weren't sneaking about we were playing army and shooting the bad guys in the courtyard. Of course when my stepmother quite the biz to become a doctor's assistant I had to leave my cutie behind. I have no pictures of my lost love just quick images that race thru my mind time to time when I begin to reminisce about past relationships.

I went through a dry spell or else cant remember the boys who crossed my path during the next few years but when I was around 8 or 9 I met another dashing young fellow. His name was Bobby and he was a year older than me and really cute. My parents were friends with his and we did judo together so I constantly saw him working out all hot and sweaty, not that I was thinking that when I was 8 or 9. But anyways when I went to the house I would first hang out with his sister who was a few years older than me but after some time I would sneak downstairs where the boy's rooms were. My brother and his brother would be there so we would decide to play house and like any good husband and wife we would go to the closet, which played as our bedroom, and do what husbands and wifes did. Well this normally involved some kissing and our shirts would come off though my chest was flatter than ours, this was the extent of our knowledge (thank god!). But I soon got into swimming and quite Judo and after many makout sessions as I got older our budding romance ended when I was 10 and I didn't see him again until my freshman year in highschool. I was at homecoming and I spotted this guy who looked really familiar, at first i didn't recognize him but as i stared more and more I realized it was the husband I seperated from many years ago. I walked up to him and asked if he remembered me, he said of course and asked how swimming was and as our conversation I realized he had become a dumb redneck and I was lucky I got out early.

This ends my single digit love life in my next post we will discover my relationships thru the end of 5th grade and all through middle school, then I will follow with my tumultous highschool years and then my dreaded slutty summer before college and finally my freshman year. So farewell and adieu!
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