Title: Wingtouch
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara "Supergirl" Zor-El
Prompt: 038. Touch.
Word Count: 240
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kara has lusty thoughts about Nightwing's touch.
Author's Notes: Takes place before Supergirl #11.
She stared at Nightwing as he came closer to her. She licked her lips and a shiver of wild anticipation sent shock waves down her spine. The wind blew her hair and cape back, the touch of the wind soft and sensual.
But not as soft and sensual as his touch would be.
Kara Zor-El tried to stand as confidently as possible as she watched the hero known as Nightwing walk closer to her, the wind ruffling his long hair too. She wanted to run her bare hands through his hair, feel its silky soft texture between her long, slender fingers.
More than that, though, she wondered what his touch felt like, what his hands would feel like holding on to her hips, what the touch of his defined, bare chest would feel like pressed against hers, and how his lips would feel pressed firmly against hers, his tongue parting her lips and darting inside, caressing her own. Yes, she had kissed him once before, a year ago, but this time...this time it would be different.
Kara blushed red as Nightwing stopped in front of her. She'd had these thoughts many times before, but not before him. Never before him. It was...embarassing.
"Hey," Nightwing said, placing a hand on Kara's shoulder. "You alright?"
Kara nodded slowly, trying not to burst out screaming, hoping she wasn't turning an even brighter shade of red. She was soaring inside.
He was touching her!
Title: Poisoned Kiss
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara "Supergirl" Zor-El
Prompt: 039. Taste.
Word Count: 112
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Poison Ivy kisses Supergirl.
Author's Notes: Takes place during Supergirl #0
The kiss was long, hard, and sensual. It was full of flavors she didn't even knew existed. The sweet sensation of a juicy cherry, the tart taste of a plump strawberry, the fragile flavor of a soft, summery mint, each and every taste exploded in her mouth. The kiss had taken her by surprise, but she melted into it easily. A little too easily. She couldn't help herself. She tried to break apart, she truly did, but the taste of the kiss was like an enticing drug. She felt euphoric. And she knew it was wrong, because the woman kissing her was pure poison. But poison had never tasted as sweet before.
Title: Supervision 101
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara "Supergirl" Zor-El
Prompt 040. Sight.
Word Count: 205
Rating: G
Summary: Kal teaches Kara about supervision.
Author's Notes: Takes place during the "Supergirl from Krypton" arc from Superman/Batman.
"You need to work on what your eyes can do," Kal-El said to Kara, continuing his careful training of her abilities.
Kara, for her part, batted her eyelashes, trying her best to come off as a naive little thing. "You mean like how batting them a certain way can make a boy weak in the knees, or how I can open them in the mornings and see?"
"Come on, Kara, be serious. When you first landed here, your heat vision nearly took out half a city block in Gotham City. We can't have you not being able to control your sight."
"Alright, fine," Kara said, sighing. "What can my eyes do, oh great Supercousin?"
Kal ignored Kara's sarcasm and turned to the whiteboard behind him. "There are a few certain powers they have. Heat vision, for one. Telescopic vision, which is pretty self-explanatory, except its very difficult adjusting your eyes in the beginning, and x-ray vision."
"X-ray vision? You mean, like, if I were to go right now to where Nightwing was and used my X-ray vision, I could -"
Kal shook his head, wondering how long he could actually convince her that what he was telling her was the truth. "Definitely not."