Comment on this post, saying that you want to play and I will choose five interests from your profile. You will then explain what they mean/why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
the_heartless and she chose the following interests of mine to elaborate on:
- Buddhism
- Lemon water
- Nail polish
- Poopin'
- Tacos after surfing
- Winks
Buddhism: It is perhaps the only religion in this world that I can stomach. And if I had to subscribe to a religion, it would be Buddhism. I started studying (I use that loosely) when I was 17 or 18 and even had a mentor. He was the one who introduced me to it and taught me what being a good Buddhist meant. Around that time, I was going through a phase in my life where Christianity and the bible no longer made sense to me. I was developing into who I am now; I was learning to be analytical, to ask questions my bible school teacher instructed us not to ask, to own up to my mistakes, celebrate my successes, I was seeing the inequality in our society and how religion perpetuated it. I was angry at the world, I was furious at men for thinking that because I am a woman that I was less than them and I hated religion and religious people. It wasn't until I was immersed in Buddhist teachings that all that ire began to dissolve. Anyway, Buddhism has taught me more about life, love, respect, and tolerance than Christianity ever could.
Lemon water: Basically, I cannot drink tap water without a slice of lemon in it. And lots of ice. When I go to a restaurant and order water, I always ask for a small bowl of lemons to come with it. That measly slice they give you as asian restaurants does not work for me. I would love to stop drinking bottled water (because, damn, what a fucking gimmick) but the taste of tap water makes me gag.
Nail polish: I've always had an interest with nail polish (when I was younger, I would color my nails with magic markers because my mom wouldn't let me paint them) but I never have my nails painted only because they end up looking like my cat painted them and because I am such a perfectionist, I just don't ("if you can't get it right, just stop before you hurt yourself" lol). But I have a huge collection and from time to time, when I have several hours, I try to paint them. I usually just end up removing it though. :/
Poopin': I mean, what can I say about this?? This is crass for me but... Who doesn't enjoy a good poopin' now and then? It's perfect alone time and I can actually sit and concentrate on a game of Candy Crush. And if you have a REALLY good poop sesh, you just feel lighter and, well, maybe even like you can climb a mountain!
Tacos after surfing: In southern California we do two things - (1) surf and (2) eat tacos. When you combine those two... Ooooweee! The Perfect Life. So after a really good surf sesh, my friends and I would usually go to the nearest taco joint and eat a few. Actually, a lot of my best memories from California were these moments. A few of my favorite taco places are as follows: Chronic in San Clemente, Tacos Al Vapor in San Mateo (technically NorCal but they eat tacos after surfing up there too), El Sitio and Lilly's Tacos in Santa Barbara, Haggo's Organic Taco and Wahoo's (a chain but AWESOME!) in Encinitas, Fiesta Grill 2 and Taco Jerez (both on Beach Blvd) in Huntington, and Taco Express and Mariscos Alex in San Diego. I wish I could name them all but I can't. If you're ever in those parts, put down the fucking hamburger and grab a taco. Tex-Mex isn't anything compared to the tacos in SoCal! They say that there is a Starbucks on every corner in California (there is) but there is also a taco joint.
Winks: Nothing like a wink from an attractive person from the opposite sex (or my boyfriend, *ahem*) that makes me blush like a school girl. I'm not much on giving winks only because I look like someone poked a pencil through my eye. Not attractive at all!