The UK cannot deal with the snow. In the last 5 days, I have spent 4 of them off work, because of the snow.
I went sledging. I made a snow pig. I baked wintery goodies and made a vat of soup. I visited friends with walking distance. I did all my Christmas shopping, and wrapped it. I cleaned the flat. I caught up on sleep. I watched a fair chunk of my DVD collection. I watched a lot of television. I read. I wrote my Yuletide assignment; and then wrote another, because I had time. Today, I dug my car out, and with a push or two, got it moving (love my car - a week under a foot of snow and it started first time!)
Now I am so bored my brain might dissolve out of my ears. Have you seen the new BBC re-boot of Sherlock? All the allusions to his behaviour, and the way he always needs something to think about? How he cannot deal with boredom? That is exactly how I feel now.
I recommend
Sherlock, by the way. Like Doctor Who after some Ritalin, which is hardly surprising as it was made by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. (I'm not really a fan of Doctor Who - really, David Tennant exhausts me - but this last series, Steven Moffat's, I liked. And Mark Gatiss is amazing.
The League of Gentlemen?
The Lucifer Box novels? Brilliant.) Benedict Cumberbatch and particularly Martin Freeman are excellent.
Other not quite new TV I'm enjoying -
Misfits, which is about a group of young offenders who develop superpowers. It's been thought about - clever, with properly realised characters, great acting, original, and doesn't take itself too seriously. Also, there is a re-watch going on at
generation_kill at the moment, which is excellent fun, come join us.
I read
The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas, which was rather good. Like Being John Malkovich crossed with Jasper fforde, with a dysfunctional anti-heroine, an obsessive book fetish, and some decidedly unglamorous sex. Books where books are central plot devices always go down well with me.
I watched
Franklyn, too. I think this was a flop at the cinema, but it stars Eva Green and Ryan Phillipe, so I figured, with that level of pretty, why not? It's like something China Meiville wrote on his napkin over lunch; the real world and another world ('Meanwhile City') colliding with a dash of hallucination and mental illness. Steampunk, gothic Matrix making an art project instead of shooting bad guys. It looks beautiful, and not withstanding the ending (I have a Thing about conventionally "happy" endings) and the slowish pace, I really enjoyed it.
So, that's what I've been up to. Happy December, f'list!
ETA - This is what
Sherlock looks like, if the Beeb made art deco adverts. Beautiful.