I'm hugely excited about Yuletide and firstly, thank you very much for the story you are going to write - I am sure I will love it dearly. I have chosen the most tiny niche little fandoms so any fic will be a jewel. However, non-specific squee is not very helpful to you, but I hope this little list might be....
- Really, if it's not tooth rooting fluff or PWP I'll be happy.
- I'm odd. I like ensemble genfic. I also like banter, capers, action, adventure, horror, gore, slapstick. Science-y exposition. Details! I'm a sucker for details.
And more specifically...
Bedknobs and Broomsticks - I loved this as a child, and was surprised and delighted to find it here. I liked the magic and adventure of it, but a look from a different POV might be interesting. The delivery of the kit. When Eglantine's kit was delivered, and she found the poisoned dragon liver and realised, actually, she was not going to be a witch. I imagine the slow realisation creeping over her, but she pulls herself together and gets on with organising it in a very practical, and rather sad fashion," was what I put in my sign up, but any sort of adult angle - the war, the black market, the evacuees - I'd love to hear about any of it.
Whites - Oh, how I love this show! Really, anything would be much loved and clutched dearly to my heart. However, any supremely awkward conversations between Roland and Caroline, or Skoose winding up Bib, would be brilliant. Friendship, UST, whatever you want is fine with me. Go wild!
Stuart: a life backwards - I read somewhere that Tom Hardy was "a character actor trapped in a leading man's body" and it set me wondering (because time thinking about Tom Hardy is never wasted) about acting, method, accents and so on. Hence to this silly idea This is immensely silly, but: I imagine Tom deciding that imitating Benedict would be a fascinating character study, and following him about between takes imitating his accent and mannerisms. Tom thinks this is all hilarious, and Benedict is equal parts bemused, flattered and frustrated. I'm being ridiculously specific here, and of course, silly banter/teasing/tomfoolery etc would be great.
Here and
here might help...
So, thank you a million times!