Sep 22, 2007 07:41
once again i sit here by myself pondering...
i'm so pathetic.
i just finished the 3rd book. i feel lost. i have never been so attached to characters before. i feel like two of my friends had to leave me on a long vacation. they will be back one day, but not soon enough (the 4th book should be coming out sometime in the next year or so.) i have read about everything there is to read on the website about them. I am obsessed. lol. i want to go buy the books so i can read them all again. but i'm not sure if my husband would approve haha...maybe just the first one...then wait till the others come out on paperback, so its not such a big chunk of money at once.
these books are so easy to get lost in. you forget the world you live in and become part of theirs. i keep having dreams about the characters. sometimes i am bella, sometimes i am watching them make the movie and i am frustrated because its not how i want it to be. sometimes i'm like bella and my husband is edward and he is constantly with me trying to protect me from danger...i like it when my husband is the hero :)
once during my reading i hit a part i was extremely frustrated about. my husband was sitting on the bed while i was pacing in and out of the room ranting on about it and what i thought should happen. he was trying not to laugh at me and calming me down telling me "it's just a book, it's just a book". haha what is it about these books that fascinates me so? i have no answer.
i made myself wait before reading the 3rd book... for two reasons-partially because i didn't want to be done with the series just yet (at least what is published right now), but mostly because i wanted to give myself some time in reality first. haha is that lame? i swear i'm not psycho. i just read them so fast all at once it's easy to forget what you are supposed to be doing day to day. i'm not really super obsessed to the point i wish i was bella, wish i was a vampire or anything. i just love the story! i love the way the author writes and describes things. even if she does drive me crazy by the twists she puts in...that's what makes you want to read on! it would be boring if everything went perfectly as planned.
i really hope they make the movie! i'm pretty sure they will just by how popular the books are. i just hope they don't ruin it :S i can already see certain scenes in my head they way i would do them, the music i would use where and whatnot. that already gives me a clue i might struggle with the movie haha oh well. i love that stephenie (the author) has put up a "playlist" (kind of like a soundtrack) of music she would use for each book. i would love to have those cd's if they ever became cd's
haha ok i think i have rambled on enough, honestly if you are still reading, i am amazed! this is probably for my own benefit more than anyone elses. sometimes you just gotta get stuff out of your head :)
till next time...
(waiting for the next book.)