Random Father's Day/Turn Left thought

May 13, 2010 03:01

Hubby just left for work, so I can finally go to bed now.  Which means I'm bleary-eyed and punchy and having random thoughts again.

Case in point:  It occurred to me for no apparent reason that the scene in Turn Left where Donna jumps in front of a truck must've been a bit of deja vu for Rose.  Once before, she had knelt on the street to comfort someone who had thrown themselves in front of a vehicle in order to save the world.  I can't believe the similarities never struck me before, considering how similar the framing on some of the shots were as well as the circumstances themselves.

In both cases, the savior of the world jumps in front of a vehicle to correct things when Time's gone all wrong.  In both cases, Rose knows it's coming ahead of time but can't do anything more than be there when they die.  The main difference to me is Rose's own emotions about the two situations. One was her Daddy, so of course she was more grieved.  (Plus she was younger and it was all her fault.)  But it still strikes me that in Turn Left what is the main emotional difference is that Rose is hardened.  In some ways, that makes it all sadder.

It'd be cool to know what she was thinking at that moment in Turn Left, because it's hard to believe she wasn't struck by the similarities between the two scenes. It'd also be cool to know how deliberate it was for RTD in setting up the second scenario that so closely resembled the first.

theorizing, randomness, dw

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