Spam diddy-spam

Aug 10, 2009 10:54

Most of my woundy-wounds have healed now, and I'm feeling much more like my old Gintastic self :) Again, thank you all so much for your kind words, they have helped ever so much. Unfortunatly, there's been another attack but luckily, like me, the woman got away mostly unscathed though I have to say I'm very relieved that I'm moving out in four weeks time. I still haven't really chatted about my job and such have I? Oh well, I'll do it when there is not post-chapter-spam things to do! But yeah, don't come wandering around here at night, it's baaaad times.

I never know where to start with these things!

Probably with why this chapter exists. This chapter exists soley for the reason that a few days after I posted 32 and started working on the next one (which is now 34) I realised it didn't make any sense to start talking about Cadence's past without a bit of a lead in and really regretted not having shown she and Jon Smith knew each other as the end of 32. Soo grr! I suddenly had to come up with a whole extra chapter just to get to that few slides at the end! Never mind, I'm really glad it turned out that way in the end because it meant I actually had an opportunity to put some other things into motion which will give them more of a lead in down the line. So overall - yay for my incompetance!

"Hm, I wonder what kind of tea they sell here.."

"Ooow, cheese surprise from Twinings! Wot luck."

You see that lion there? For some reason when set dressing I decided that it was Harold, of our very own superstore indeed, and he's come to do some inventory checking. Because.. things like that can happen in my world?

But I'll just get this out the way first. You probably don't remember, but I got reeeeally excited about something back in April when I was all full of revision - and this is it. Sort of, it's actually the next chapter which will be an all answerful thing of answers for both of them and I was literally jumping around for days when I realised some things. Which hopefully I can show you soon :) Also, I did worry that it wouldn't come across that Cadence and Jon Smith knew it other from waaaaay back, and not just from all the recent Strangetown business. But from reading comments, I think I managed to get you on the same page as me so yaaay!

So I'll 'splain. Promise.

"Oh, doing secret things is such hard work. Bother! Where's my tea?"

I absolutly LOVED this scene, and I adore the set. It's built above the UC studio, and is one I'm definitely keeping, even if I don't use it again, just because I worked so hard and am really pleased with the set and how it turned out. And I'm also happy with the pictures I go *pats Sid lovingly* The script I used was the exact same one from simspiration, as I'd shot the scene the night before and got to work (because clearly I do lots of work there *ahem*) to find a prompt which totally matched! So thank you Marina and De and whoever suggested working late as a prompt *nods*

In case you're interested:

Close up of the piccies. It took me ages to a) find the mesh and b) align my own pics properly on a recolour because c) I'm still useless at recolouring :)

It's been interesting to hear everyone's thoughts on what he's up to, muahahahaha!

"No I don't want any tea!"
"Why not? Everyone loves tea."
"Well I don't! P.S. No marriage grr."

Despite his whining, for most of his zombie life Allo's been whining at me to fall in love and I've felt really guilty not letting him. But at the beginning of the year I did finally choose someone I think will work. (I will say this, if I've ever spoken to you about setting him up with someone - it's still the same sim). It's not evry plotful, I just think he deserves to be happy with someone of his own even though he's got his own family. For now. One of the reasons I haven't been playing a lot over the last few weeks is not just illness, some of those lifebars.. Let's just say my next rotation is not going to be a fun one.

"Mm.. I love the smell of immortals in the morning. Just like tea!"
"Help.. Me.."

Whee, I still love the well!

Though I haven't quite worked out how long it takes to reset, we've been seeing a lot of Crumplebum lately. Vox always wins the fights, and she'll then growl for a while and go and shake hands with Gadus before leaving. It's.. odd.

"Nuffink' can stop me showin' my love for my chicken toes!"

Poor loves gone a bit batty. But who can balme her?

"Be gone small obnoxious kidlet! BELH!"

"ME! I am fab! Whoo, someone come and cheer for me because I am BETTER THAN TEA."

"Right, enough of that. I'm bored now."

Lacey Tegenaria - disrespecting homework since 2009. But how I've written her is how she acts, and seeing as that's how Marella used to be and they have the same personality bar one playful point it's not surprising! But I think Lacey's brilliant, and one of my favourites (aw heck - they're all my favourites!) but she makes me laugh a lot. I predict good things from her.


I honestly keep expecting Vesper to just burst into song one of these days. She's such a Disney Princess! That really is the best way to describe her. She's a bit of a funny one though, because she has 9 outgoing points but looks constantly worried and frightened of everything. None of the pics of her have been posed, she just walks around looking confused and scared - she did when she was a toddler too. So points LIE. Or something lies! So I'm seeing it more as being afraid of failing and not being as good as her sibs, rather than avoiding social situations because she's such a friendly little thing.

"Can we a-get off now?"
"No, there is a-tea ahoy!"

..I'm still not sure why they talk like that. But I think after Cadnece In just enjoy funny typing and Word shouting at me for not using English. My and Pipi are a funny little pair, and I like them ever so much. With 6 nice points, Pipi's the meanest in the main house, so even though she's not that mean at all it's quite nice to have someone who doesn't smile and sigh the whole time! So because oft that I see as as slightly more spirited than her sibs, which is a nice change. I like Myotis, the only problem is that he's very similar to Vox other than being slightly neater and lazier in personality, and being the one who sort of looks after the others. But as he gets older I have ideas, so both of these two have lots of things coming up :)

"Come see your daughter PLEASE?!"
"No, I need to paint my nails tea coloured."

"Now you've made me pose like a duck! For gosh's sake woman!"

"Talk to the hand, duck boy."

A lot of you are quite angry with Allison, and to be honest I am too. Robyn's dinosaur queen was fantastic, but my Allison acts a million miles away from that. So much so that I now call her Shouty Allison. She can't hold a civil conversation with anyway, and loves to yell at Vox. 'Member the gallery scene from a few chapters back? That was supposed to be all nice and happy chatty, but Allison just wouldn't stop letting him have it so I just went with Shouty Allison. I love Vox, therefore it annoys me that she can't be nice to him! I'm not forcing anything though, they've always kept each other as The One and are evry three bolt stalkerish whenever one or other comes a-visiting. Just whenever I need them to chat it never goes well!

She's just very very driven in being a Fortune Sim at the moment. Worry not - she's not going to abandon Vesper. Probably.


You know why they went on holiday? Because I was annoyed I couldn't go myself! And I was bored of the slap dance and the hula is much more agreeable, so I needed them all to learn it to stop the annoying slap clicky noises.

I was thinking last night I could claim it as a grandparents holiday in reverse, because obviously we can't bring Cadence anyway so all the kids go to them instead. But.. that would be lying that I'm clever. I just wanted to go to Twikki myself and decided to live vicariously through my Sims.

Right, I could probably go one forever and ever, but I've already been at this for an hour and really should do some actual work. Sigh. 16 days till the thesis is due, blah blah blah.. Blah. Today I will work! I won't just sit around watching the iplayer and 4od! Honest! Maybe.

Actually, I think I'll have a cup of tea!

g6 musings, g7 musings

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