No, They Only Have Camels There

Nov 15, 2006 15:37

Alright, so I didnt put up random pictures on Friday. But my darling Courtney came to see me last weekend and frankly she was more important. I'll tell all about that in my next post, which should be tomorrow. I hope. Now though you get a bunch of pictures from past stuff that I either just got from Mikko, or I never put up here and thought you might like to see.

Oh yes, and madi loo put up pictures of our new house, and I love her dearly for it. Because she's awesome. And her birthday is next week so everyone should send her presents and make her happy.


First off we have a picture of Morissey on his 22nd birthday. He really liked his hat.

Marijke, Me, and some random Scottish girl at Morrissey's birthday party.

Still at Morrisey's party, I just happen to really like this picture of Etienne. He makes the best faces.

On to the Thursday International Dinner Night that the German's cooked. Here's us eating. It was very tasty.

My beautiful roommates Christina and Eva... and there's Kara... displaying my jar of peanut butter.

Even big strong German boys cry when cutting up onions.

This is what happens when you leave your camera lying on the table. There are about four of these, I just thought this one was the best.


Julio, Mikko, and Etienne out for a wild night.

A really great picture of Morrisey. He is this happy all the time, its really wonderful.

I think I have a fasination with people putting on coats.

Kara being attacked by a robot thing in a bookstore. I think its from a tv series... or so she says. Got to love her!

Mikko pretending to be Santa in his bathroom.

Santa throwing up the horns, cus you know he is so very metal.

Julio trying to lick a random pink high heel they found on the way home one night... I dont understand spanish people.

Last a picture taken one of first nights we were here. I'm hanging out of Kara's flat's kitchen's window. There is actually a little balcony out there, well its the roof of the common room, but its like a balcony. And we see why Gin shaving her head was a really good thing. ugh.

And lastly more pictures from Halloween.

Mikko likes taking random pictures.

Alberto, one of the spanish armada and a flatmate of Mikko and Mickey. He's actually in Anne's Halloween costume, she made it herself. Pretty nifty for a bottle of vodka.

Mikko, Alberto, and I

Final Picture of the Day.
Caption "Remember kids don't do drugs."

That's it for now. More to come later. Oh and I love my dad. I just listened to an old voicemail he left me telling me that we were moving to texas and that I should get my boots out and we're going to go country western dancing when I get there. So after this minute long message with my Daddy talking in a very distinct texas accent, he feels the need to say "I love you, oh and this is Daddy. Bye." I love you, daddy, you always make me smile. Peace.
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