I have returned

May 15, 2003 12:25

I am back. I seemed to have missed a very hilarious episode involving a number of Gryffindors and Slytherins. Memory loss! I wonder exactly what happened. I saw Neville in the Common Room looking very morose. He said he regained his memory and he is not overly pleased by what he remembers from YESTERDAY. Something about Pansy being really vicious to him.

The day at home has truly restored my senses. I had a good cry on Mum’s shoulder and listened to Dad tinker in the garage for a while as he carried on about “Black Adder”, whatever that is. It is amazing how cathartic home can be.

Tonight is Quidditch practice. I have not seen Colin yet. I imagine that practice will be the first time. I hope that I have not ruined everything.
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