
May 11, 2003 11:13

Hogsmeade was pretty uneventful. It was nice to get out of the castle though. Padma and I hit all of the usual shops and met up with Parvati and Seamus for a while. We saw Colin and Hannah. It looked like Hannah was doing most of the talking. I'm not surprised.

I do find myself in an odd situation. Involving Colin. I think I am actually jealous concerned jealous! Colin and I have been such good friends for so long. I cannot remember a time before Colin. And now that he has Hannah, I don't see him nearly as much as I used to. I am happy for him, of course. And Hannah is a lovely girl. But Colin is my Colin. I am not making any sense. I am just so confused. I wish I could talk to Ron again. Maybe he could help me figure this out.
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