Yesterday I managed to stab a bit of broken glass into my thumb and then slip on newly rained on pavement and land hard on both knees. Today I am a bruised, tried, sore creature who really wishes she wasn't spending most of the day waiting to be able to work.
Small panic building at the 1.5 days I am some how going to have to catch up ond this week, as I wait for stuff out of my control to be sorted.
Still had a pretty good weekend and saw a load of fine acts.
Tom Tom Crew were good, not fantastic acrobats, but an amazing beat-boxer and over all a very fun, high energy show.
Underword was great, a real eclectic mix of performers and all for free, I will be back for more over the next few weeks :)
Check out for more info.
Then on Sunday I saw Flannders and Swann, Tao Drummers and Ali McGregor. All excellent.
Things that were not so good were:
Tales of the Apocalypse - an aerial acrobatics story that promised much but the execution was poor. Hopefully they will iron out the change overs and get better as the weeks progress but it all felt a bit stumbling and not very well thought out.