Consumer Service is Shaky At Best

Apr 06, 2022 15:41

LONG WORK VENT - tl;dr A certain service was canceled two years ago and late last year started harassing us for payment so they don't suspend the service...that was canceled

Storytime -

I can't imagine why some people don't like dealing with certain companies when it comes to cancelation.

I have been going around and around for almost two years now trying to get a service canceled (tied to work so this will be vague).

We tried canceling the service in January 2020 and it took jumping through hoops to finally get it canceled in April 2020. Paid off the contract and went on our way.

In September 2021, a shady as hell letter came saying that they would suspend our service if a payment of $128 was not sent to them in three days. (Really?)

I called them on it and said it was suspect since it wasn't on letterhead and weirdy short turnaround time.

Two more letters were sent in the next two months. After each letter, I sent an email complaint. Finally, for the November letter, I sent a note that explained in very simple terms again that this was a moot issue and why. They sent a note on November 19, 2021 saying that I would be pleased to know that the case had been closed.

One would have thought, that was the end. SIGH

March 2022 another letter on non-letterhead paper appears claiming we owe $128 to not lose service for the account that had been canceled in April 2020.

I am furious and with a little help, I find the invoice for termination, the copy of the check sent, AND the cashed check. I send all of this to several contacts at the company with another very simple explanation on why they are not the shiniest penny in the roll. And I get a response today saying that I am not the contact person so they cannot talk to me. And the company's contact for this case doesn't want phone calls even though it is listed.

Funny, not one person mentioned it in those three months of emails last year. And no matter what, it isn't the point because the account was closed two years ago. Why are you waiting over a year for this nonsense?

Yup great

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