Back to the exercise

Jan 03, 2014 11:15

So...just having an "owie" moment.

Back to the workout thing and decided that I WILL go down one pant size this summer (down one size last year) and will try to go down a second size by winter.  (Which should get me out of the Plus size area)

And if the last two days are any indication, I should be able to do it even though I am sore.
Worked yesterday with our trainer Stephen - we had to cancel Monday night since we had a pretty hairy snow making driving icky.  Did loads of leg work and core work.  Just starting to get the soreness from the workout this afternoon with the core.

This morning I did my Zombie run.  (One more to go for this "season")  I am working toward two goals for my runs*.  One is to get 3 miles in 35 minutes.  I am close, but not quite there.  I am hoping to get that consistant by February.    The other is to get training for the Olathe 5K in April that is - due to some safety issues with the course - now a 6K.  So by April I need to be getting in 4 miles for my training.   Would be great if I could get done with a 6K in the same time as one of 2013 5K runs.
Even better with the Olathe event is that my Mom is going to do it as well.  This will be her first run/walk.

*Really freaking out that I can call these runs.  I am not a runner.  Never have been, even in grade school.  But I am working on having about half my time running/jogging/loping along with some fast walking.  And just having times that are just under a 13 minute mile.

goals, exercise

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