Must be getting use to it

Aug 28, 2008 08:13

My body woke up before my alarm did this morning.  I still dozed until the alarm went off, but got up and went to the gym after letting the dog out for a quick potty.

Did 10 minutes on the stupid ellpitical machine.  (and little over a minute after of cool down)  Then did 7 machines and my sets of sit ups.  Sit ups are now 2 rounds of 20.  And a couple light stretches.  Want to work up to getting there right at 5:30 and working out until 6:15.  That will still gives me time to get ready for work. Tomorrow will be 5 days in a row.  (Yes, CNK, going every day appears to be the trick for me.)

Not sure what I will do Saturday since the gym doesn't open until 8.  May do garage sales until Brian gets home and then go to the grocery store before going to the gym.  Probably will see if he wants to go with.  That will mean that I need to plan on 45 minutes to an hour instead of my little 30 minute blasts.

Now I just need to get some stuff to grab on my way to the gym and some stuff for afterwards.  In the mornings, I am doing well to get some water in me before I go.  Really need to drink a full glass of water before I go because I am finishing my bottle of water before the end of my workout.  
Made a smoothie this morning to take to work.  Banana, peach, and about 1/2 cup strawberries with yogurt and some milk.  If I am making more smoothies and Swiss oats, I should really get vanilla Silk.   Mmmmmm Swiss oats, need to make a batch of that tonight for tomorrow morning.  Oatmeal seems to fill me up better.  And better when I can just add whatever fruit is handy.  Though dried fruit will go for the soaking.  Also have done about half old-fashion rolled oats and half steel cut oats with about 1/4 cup of ground flax seed.

Okay.  Back to work and then to think about what we are doing for meals this week. 

breakfast, recipe, exercise

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