have you ever hated somebody so much....

Feb 13, 2004 20:32

that you would rather vomit than hang out with them? cause that's what little e did today. the little bastard actually dislikes me enough that the idea of going to a sea lion show with me sent him into a fit of hysterics with the grand finale of him puking all over the elevator and himself ON PURPOSE. needless to say, we did not go to the sea lion show today. the little fucker. i am serious. this was the final shove i needed to quit this job. i have weathered the serious abuse from e and his mother for a year and a half, and i just can't do it anymore. i simply cannot. the end.
i left work and wandered around from store 24 to seven-11 trying to find cloves (because i still cannot convince myself that i enjoy cigarettes) but no one sells them. i pacified my rage with an iced coffee and the march copy of elle. i felt a little better.
i got home and found the cat eating a q-tip which made ME want to throw up so i screamed at the cat and now she's avoiding me and i feel like a terribly bad cat-mother.
so i shut off all the lights and opened the windows and turned on the space heater and sobbed one of those shaking whole-body cries that feels almost aerobic. then i turned to lj. and now, i must say, i do feel even a little bit better still.
i am going to stand in the shower for forty minutes and imagine things i'd like for dinner. and then maybe i will get out of the shower and get one of those things. maybe. i might just stay in the shower forever. we'll see.
hope you're all well.
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