It's funny how so much can be done when one isn't reading fan fiction.
Things to do:
1. Set an interview with Rep. Joel Villanueva.
2. Set an interview with Pagcor person
3. Fax request letter to PRA
4. Compile docs needed for credit card application
5. Set schedule for passport application
6. Read PCIJ book on investigating corruption
7. Write next part
Read more... )
Your job sounds intense. :O Be careful, you still have to become a BFN! lol
In response to the corruption segment, I think that even if you left, you'd find that corruption runs rampant in every government, it's just holed up better in some nations. Power corrupts, amirite? =/ Government and corruption go hand in hand, hell, any sort of establishment and corruption go hand in hand. It sucks, really because change is almost impossible - how do you change an establishment that doesn't want to change? The people who run the country like it the way it is, and it's an unfortunate catch-22 because they make the laws and the changes, or lack thereof.
I won't say that I completely am able to understand the situation that you face in your country because, well, let's face it - I come from upper-middle class America and I've only had one class in government. XD But I do think that it's noble of you to do something about it. It's really inspirational (and also worrying, STAY SAFE) that you're risking your life for the general welfare, and plus you're using your skill as a journalist to do it. It's people like you, who make a difference. Because if I've seen one thing in my life, it's apathy. It's everywhere in my sleepy little beach city. So thank god for your Gryffindor-esque qualities, because I do think that we need more of it in the world. :)
Yeah, I know everywhere I go there will be corruption. It just sucks that here everything is done by the same big people and they don't get caught!
And I can't help but be an optimist. I think I was built that way. I may have bouts of depression, but basically, I'm a ray of sunshine.
That makes sense. It may just be my idealistic part talking - but hey, risks are meant to be taken, and if it's for the greater good...or it'll help somebody, then why not? But then again, then again, I really don't know a ton about journalism >>;; So stick with what makes you feel safe!
There's nothing wrong with being a ray of sunshine. :)
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