One year of LJ!! Congratulations to me!
This day a year ago I
posted my first entry! I actually can't believe it. It's passed quite fast if I think about it, but I honestly can say I have had lots of fun around here!
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all of you in my friend list because you are the ones that make this place special and interesting to be around. Thank you for your posts, your comments, your presence... Thanks to you I learned about so many things (fandoms, fics, actors, songs, etc...) that I lost count of, and I've managed to share my tastes and feelings about things that I couldn't do with my RL friends. Besides, I really like to think that at least with some of you I share a connection that would make us talk and talk for hours (or days :S) if we met in real life ;)
I also want to thank the lurkers who only take a look but don't say anything and to the people who just found something that interested them and commented because they felt like and wanted to say something. I read all the comments I've got, so please rest assure I listened to what you want to say. To the lurkers, you're welcome and also if you decide to say 'hi' I would love to hear what you have to say.
I know that my LJ isn't for everybody since my tastes are quite eclectic, but I hope I've managed to sound interesting, discovered something to somebody at some point and not bored you all completely.
I just hope that we share more moments like the ones I've shared during this past year, and have as much fun as I've had. Probably I forget to say something, but I think is okay ;), the main things are said.
Thank you all! ;)