Tell you what I'm gonna do to make it up to you tonight~

Nov 26, 2010 15:38

Hellooooo, I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving!! My biggest pet peeve with Thanksgiving is the food. xD First of all chicken > turkey, not sorry to say. Second of all I always feel like you get soooo excited for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone makes such a big deal about it and it gets you really pumped for the dinner and then you eat it and you're like " Had better~" At least that's how it is with me. And then you feel like you're turning into a turkey because you have leftover turkey for dinner for daaaaaaaays. X_x Oh geez. Thanksgiving is a pretty pointless holiday. We're celebrating the day we came to America and the Native Americans were nice to us and then we KILL them the day after. D: And the part about family and being thankful for all the good things that we have in life is really nice but we should be thankful for the things in our life EVERY day, not just once a year. That's how I see it~ But Thanksgiving is a better holiday than New Years. New Years is absolutely my least favorite holiday ever. UGH.

I had a nice day yesterday, though. :) After dinner my parents and I played Scrabble. I kicked ASS. I've only played Scrabble twice in my life and I won both times. I am the word master! I won by using the word "pixie". I got 45 points for it. ;D My dad challenged it as being a word and sure enough it was in the dictionary so he lost a turn. \o/ After we played that game we watched March of the Wooden Soldiers together, haha. I never watched the whole thing before because some of the characters seriously creep me the fuck out (like the cat, and the 3 little pigs and Mickey Mouse and the boogymen) but it's a ~classic movie so it was something I needed to see. I laughed at a lot of it just because it was such an old movie and I was making fun of it. xD It was actually pretty good, though. So it was worth seeing~

I GOT MY BABY PAINT BRUSH ON NEOPETS!!!!!!!!! OMG. <3333 Cara is the greatest friend in the world and donated 600,000 NP's to me so I could buy it!!! She doesn't really go on Neopets anymore and she had like 2 million NP. AHHH. I bought the brush in the marketplace for 58K. My pet is soooo cute now. *__* Check her out!!!! I actually have 90k that I won on my own now which is fantastic too. I'm going to save up for another paint brush but I don't know which one, yet... And I don't know who I want to paint. I really want a pirate paint brush because I want to paint my Kris pet pirate but that's like 1mil NP...^^;;; I don't know if I could ever get that much... We'll see. I'm going to look at all the brushes and decide today. It would be cool if I could get all 4 of my Neopets painted!! I also have PetPets for all of my Neopets which is cool too. :D One of my fronds bought me a pet for Adumb and Kris, and then I bought pets for my other 2. They're so cute!! Hehe. :3 One thing that sucks is that one of my pets got sick todaaay. D: The cure is like 99k which I can't afford!! There's a plot going on right now but when it ends I'm going to heal her at the Healing Springs for free. Hopefully the plot will end sooooon. On a positive note it was my least favorite Neopet that got sick... ^^; She's adorable but I'm kinda biased towards my Adumb and Kris pets~ And my baby one is just the cutest thing in the world. xD;

-Kris sung a NEW song at his show the other night! AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Like...completely new!!!!!!!!!!! He wrote it and everything! OMG. It's so beautiful and amazing. I love him so much. I need a HQ MP3 right this second.
-I'm so happyyyyy I finally got to sleep in today!!!!!! It still sucks that my week off provided no sleep but whatever... At least I'm okay now!

Day 01 - What is your current favorite ship?
Day 02 - What was your very first ship?
Day 03 - A pairing that needs to happen now?
Day 04 - The pairing with the most chemistry?
Day 05 - The pairing with the least chemistry?
Day 06 - The best kiss?
Day 07 - The most heartbreaking scene?
Day 08 - The pairing with the most baggage?
Day 09 - The most believable relationship?
Day 10 - Why aren’t these two married in real life?
Day 11 - What is your dream pairing?
Day 12 - Who had the best wedding?
Day 13 - What is your favorite television pairing?
Day 14 - What is your favorite book pairing?
Day 15 - What is your favorite real life pairing?
Day 16 - What is the absolute worst pairing?
Day 17 - A pairing you thought would never work out, but did?
Day 18 - What is the cutest pairing?
Day 19 - A pairing you’ve rooted for since the beginning?
Day 20 - The ‘can’t stand the sexual tension anymore’ pairing?
Day 21 - A pairing you like and no one else understands why?
Day 22 - A pairing you hate and no one else understands why?
Day 23 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great?
Day 24 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly?
Day 25 - A pairing that was/would-be adorable, but could never work out?
Day 26 - A pairing that you hated and ended up loving?
Day 27 - A pairing that you loved and ended up hating?
Day 28 - A pairing that you will never understand?

I feel like this meme keeps asking the same questions again and again. xD;; I will never understand Seto/Shizuka from Yugioh. A LOT of people ship it too! If it was just something that only a few people ship then whatever, but again...A LOT of people like it. xD They talked once! Makes no sense to me. I can't even see how it would be cute, tbh.

Day 29 - What ship had the best proposal?
Day 30 - Your favorite ship forever and ever and ever!

thanksgiving, kris allen, holidays, gina is a nerd, 30 day meme: pairings, neopets

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