Boom boom boom

Nov 24, 2010 11:13

I'm a sleepy Gina! :( The past 2 days haven't been very good... We're getting work done on our house (new kitchen window and new siding) and the work starts at 7 AM. Which...means that even though I'm off from school this week, I have to wake up at 7 AM too. D: DO NOT WANT! Yesterday they put in the new window and were taking the siding off our house and OF COURSE they started by my two windows... So I was woken up yesterday by having a man outside of my window hammering and ripping my house apart. D: Let me tell you, that's not a pleasant way to wake up... Then today I was actually sleeping pretty fine when my mom came in my room thinking that I'd be awake... Yeah, at 7:30. ;_; Then I couldn't fall back asleep because the banging was keeping my awake... (I'm good at sleeping, bad at falling asleep or waking up) GAH. Only got like...5 hours of sleep the last 2 days. ;~; I lack the ability to fall asleep early so I was up late last night even though I had every intention of going to bed early. It's a good thing that we don't talk to the rest of our family anymore because we used to have to go to NJ for Thanksgiving every single year and since it's a holiday the traffic would be insane and we'd need to wake up at like 6 so we could get on the road by 7:30 or 8 the latest. Then it was a stressful and tiring time there so... I would've been dying if I had to do that tomorrow. I feel like my parents are gonna wake up at 9:30 or 10 tomorrow anyway (they're going to want me to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade with them... I just know it. -.- I mean I want to watch it too especially for the Pokemon and Hello Kitty floats which are my favorites, but I want to sleep more. xD) but...that's definitely better than 7. I'll attempt to go to bed early tonight... And then I could catch up on my rest on Thursday night and finally sleep in. I can do this, I swear. ;__; *collapses*

Right now I'm home alone with all of these workers... There has to be like 12 of them out there. IT'S SO AWKWARD. I'm praying that they just keep doing the work and don't come inside to talk to me or ask any questions. ^^;; Mom's not going to be home until 3. Ahhhhhhh.

Neopets update: I now have 60k!!!!! I'm proud of myself for making that even though I've only been on Neopets for 4 days. Go Gina, go!! Once I hit the 100k mark it's going to seem slower, though... Because I'll need to make 100k for it to really seem like a difference in NPs. I wonder how long it takes before I get tired of Neopets and stop going on again? xD Hopefully not, I really do want to get the Baby Paint Brush and feel all accomplished.

I hope all of you have a good Thanksgiving tomorrow, by the way!!!! Mom's making a big dinner for the 3 of us, and on Friday I think we're going to make cookies. :3 We were going to bake them earlier in the week but we're too busy with all of this home improvement. Plus tonight my mom needs to focus on cooking other things so she'll have less to do tomorrow. I hope all of you eat a lot and like it~~ I'm still the unpopular opinion where I think chicken is way better than turkey, but we don't have turkey very often so that makes it good. I love yams and cranberry sauce too. And my mom's making a yummy pasta dish before turkey too. :9 Omnomnomnom

Day 01 - What is your current favorite ship?
Day 02 - What was your very first ship?
Day 03 - A pairing that needs to happen now?
Day 04 - The pairing with the most chemistry?
Day 05 - The pairing with the least chemistry?
Day 06 - The best kiss?
Day 07 - The most heartbreaking scene?
Day 08 - The pairing with the most baggage?
Day 09 - The most believable relationship?
Day 10 - Why aren’t these two married in real life?
Day 11 - What is your dream pairing?
Day 12 - Who had the best wedding?
Day 13 - What is your favorite television pairing?
Day 14 - What is your favorite book pairing?
Day 15 - What is your favorite real life pairing?
Day 16 - What is the absolute worst pairing?
Day 17 - A pairing you thought would never work out, but did?
Day 18 - What is the cutest pairing?
Day 19 - A pairing you’ve rooted for since the beginning?
Day 20 - The ‘can’t stand the sexual tension anymore’ pairing?
Day 21 - A pairing you like and no one else understands why?
Day 22 - A pairing you hate and no one else understands why?
Day 23 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great?
Day 24 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly?
Day 25 - A pairing that was/would-be adorable, but could never work out?
Day 26 - A pairing that you hated and ended up loving?
Day 27 - A pairing that you loved and ended up hating?

Puppyshipping; Seto/Jounouchi from Yugioh. I don't know if it was quite that dramatic either way...that meaning that I never LOVED it, just liked it, and I don't HATE it now, just dislike it.

Day 28 - A pairing that you will never understand?
Day 29 - What ship had the best proposal?
Day 30 - Your favorite ship forever and ever and ever!

thanksgiving, tired, rl stuff, holidays, gina is a nerd, 30 day meme: pairings, neopets

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