Jan 23, 2011 11:07
I’m torn. Yesterday I learned about how many people are hiring women in India to be their surrogate mothers. It’s only about $30k instead of the American price of $100K+. Part of me wants so badly to accept the fact that these women from India want this just as bad as I do.
Apparently the amount they are paid is about 10 years of normal work. They are buying houses and paying for their children to go to school. The other part of me feels like these women are desperate and would do anything for money. So does it make it right? They say these women have a choice but what if they don’t? What if it’s a black market and they are being forced into it? I so badly want everything to ethical because it may be my only chance to ever have my own biological child but I just don’t know.
Is it really a win-win situation? The women get to help their family and I get my baby. I have considered doing it here in America but 100-150k is a LOT of money. Plus on top of that the surrogate mother get ALL rights to the child. So if she changes her mind and decides she wants it even though it my flesh and blood then she gets to keep it. It's just too expensive and too risky.
I have considered asking my sister to be a surrogate for me but I don't think it would work out very well. Neither one eat very healthy and both are very overweight. Plus they don't even have any of their own children yet. On top of that it's a really hard thing to just ask someone to do.
Paul and I have always considered adoption. We wanted to have one of our own and one adopted child. After having lost both my pregnancies at 20 weeks with no explanation from the doctors; we decided my body just can't handle pregnancy very well and it's best to not put me through it again. After looking into surrogacy and realizing how hard and expensive it was we were sad but decided adoption was really our only option. We decided to work towards paying off the house and then saving money to pay for the adoption.
Then yesterday I just so happen to run into an article about "rent a womb" in India. This could change everything for us and I want to jump on the next plane. At the same time it feels wrong and there are a lot of "what if's". I need to do a ton more research on it. Ok, I think i've rambled enough.