"Morpheus' Premonition"

Feb 01, 2007 09:12

[January 2007 prompt :: John Updike quote]

Dear Duncan,

I don't often write letters like this, but I felt the compelling need to do so this one time.

You have known me for many, many years now, and you know that I don't take much stock in this whole dream analysis situation. I've never understood it. Thankfully, I was raised in a time when intellect ruled over instinct, fact over fancy.

And yet, here I am writing you this letter. Robert is fast asleep, muttering about shortbread cookies, and doesn't even realize I'm not in bed.

Duncan, please be careful.

The things I saw in my dreams chill the blood in my veins. There were bodies everywhere. The Game was upon us. It was down to you, Adam, Robert, and myself; we were fighting headhunters and only barely keeping ahead of them. The Quickenings were coming in rapid fire succession, rocking through all of us. The next thing I knew, it was just the four of us left. A sort of frenzy overcame you and you killed Robert before he even knew what happened.

Then you turned your sights on me…

If it hadn't been for Adam's intervention, I would have died. You had absolutely no comprehension of where you were or what you were doing.

Not even when Adam had to take your head, and your Quickening, to stop you.

It terrified me, Duncan. I don't know that I can go back to sleep easily. Every time I try to close my eyes, I see that deadly frenzied look in your eyes as you came after me.

Please promise me this won't happen. Please don't give credence to my nightmares.


Call me?

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