Day 3 of captivity and all is well

Mar 17, 2020 14:59

Well hello there!

For those of you who didn't know, I went on the JoCo Cruise from 7 March - 14 March. My trip was fantastic. There were many people concerned for my safety. I felt most vulnerable getting on and off the ship, and in FLL airport. But I wore gloves when touching handrails, used Purell, and washed my hands frequently. I used Clorox wipes on my tray table and seat, on the door handles of bathrooms (unless I used a tissue to touch them), and the ship had plenty of Purell available for us when entering food areas. FLL appeared to be business as usual in terms of people taking flights. The ship felt like an oasis from the madness across the globe, to be honest.

I am now home and self-quarantined. My town in CT has issued a state of emergency and the state has ordered all restaurants to be take-out only among other measures. My University is doing everything possible to be online only and thankfully I am not responsible for any courses. So I will help my fellow faculty to adapt as much as possible. My research participant recruitment and training session is on hold. But I have plenty of work to do at home. The kitties are glad to see me and I'm just tired from all the travel and cold because it's no longer a balmy mid-70s to low 80s outside.

The cruise itself was fantastic and I made some new friends as well as connected with people I hadn't seen in awhile. I played the board game Pandemic just to be a smartass. I drank and ate and got some sun and a massage. It was a much needed break from work and the first real holiday I'd taken in two years. So far, despite putting back 4 lbs, no regerts.

I am now on day 3 at home and finding it difficult to motivate myself to work. I have realized a few things:

1. I am turning into a house cat with all the napping and eating 
2. I have always joked that I would do well on house arrest. Now I will find out for sure if that's true.
3. I have enough food in my fridge, freezer, and cupboards to last me for probably months. I am well prepared.
4. I live next door to a park and have a backyard for which I am ever more thankful. Once the weather warms up a little, I will be able to go outside and enjoy fresh air and sunshine at a socially acceptable distance from others.
5. Until my self-quarantine is over, it will be a "fun" game of Guess That Symptom. Is it allergies? PMS? Flu? Cold? Dry air? COVID-19? Travel fatigue? ONLY TIME WILL TELL, KIDS!

I am not panicking. I am relaxing. Day 3 of captivity and all is well.

How are you?

joco, pantry

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