NASW Statement on Trayvon Martin

Jul 17, 2013 11:04

I received this via email today and thought I'd share it with my flist, as it represents my profession and reaction to the outcome of the incident. It is up to each and every one of us to address structural and individual racism.

Statement of New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers on the verdict in the Trayvon Martin murder trial

New York, NY
July 16, 2013

NASW-NYC joins with hundreds of thousands of Americans who have expressed outrage and grief in the wake of George Zimmerman’s not-guilty verdict on July 13, 2013. NASW-NYC represents thousands of professional social workers throughout the five boroughs working in public and non-profit organizations and in private practice.
The senseless killing of Trayvon Martin is spurring a significant national dialogue about structural racism. It is an issue that deeply affects us as social workers and the clients and communities with whom we work. Our Chapter seeks to make clear the following points:
·                                We mourn for the family of Trayvon Martin, who has suffered an unfathomable loss.
·                                We recognize that this is not an isolated incident, but a manifestation of the structural racism embedded in the systems and institutions we encounter in our work.
·                                Every day, our professionals and our clients confront the painful realities of structural racism in interactions across all systems, including public education, health and mental health care, criminal justice, child welfare, employment and unemployment, and elder care.
·                                Structural racism, more than individual acts of hatred and bigotry, destroys the collective humanity of all Americans. It engenders fear and stifles potential-furthermore, it harms the mental health of our nation. It causes ongoing trauma in communities of color and is damaging to the white community.
·                                Social workers are uniquely positioned to take organized, collective action to undo structural racism through community building, facilitation of meaningful cross-racial dialogues, advocating for changes to discriminatory laws, and encouraging our clients to empower themselves in order to lead or join all of these efforts.
We stand in solidarity with the communities we serve in order to create a future of equity, justice, and hope, as our professional values and ethics demand.

NASW-NYC welcomes your responses to these events and to this statement. Please visit our facebook pageor send us an email at
Institutional Racism & the Social Work Profession: A Call to Action


Martha Adams Sullivan, DSW              Robert Schachter, DSW, LMSW                     
President                                           Executive Director   
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