Gally picspam post at last!

Apr 06, 2013 14:59

Okaaaay. Ok. All right, already! :ducks:

Now that the timing has made such that I'm sure nobody is looking and/or interested anymore :headdesk: HERE is my Gally post. Forgive the delay. Photobucket is a right pain in the backside now, making this post 100 times more difficult to post than before. $#@$%!!!!

In short, T-Rex and I had a wonderful time. I felt relaxed. I spent time with my peeps and managed to steer clear of any and all drama, and it all turned out surprisingly well. elrina753, tennis_bear, T-Rex and I spent loads of time together. I also got to see prof_pangaea and nonelvis and frobisher and soulsister101 and doctorpancakes and I'm not sure who else is even on LJ anymore who I saw. But I brought Queen Victoria and my new outfit for Queen Galleia. T-Rex and I wore matching TARDIS robes to lobbycon that brought joy and amusement to many. And there was some harmless and amusing flirting with a couple of peeps I've gotten to know better now that I've been going for a few years. And walking! T-Rex and I left the hotel and wandered the area and found a NYC-style bagel place.

And I got to hang out with Sylvester McCoy again, and Frasier Hines and Daphne Ashbrook and Peter Purves (who loved my Queen Victoria so much he asked me for a picture (!). I saw Ben Browder and Freema Agyeman speak. And T-Rex gave me the awesomest earrings for Valentine's Day.

Okaaaay, okaaaay, I know. It's pictures you lot want. Have at 'em

Nymphadora doesn't want me to leave

Flying over Moffat on our way to LA

Ken Deep and I give good face

Getting cuddly with tennis_bear

COSplayers and Foes, oh my!

Queen Victoria makes the rounds

"Intellect and Romance over Brute Force and Cynicism" in Chinese

Ken Deep filming a promo for LI Who with Daphne Ashbrook and Frasier Hines

Some Classic Who guests

Sylvester McCoy eschewed the stage format and went improv in the audience. Here, a hilarious bid for his hand in marriage "now that same-sex marriage is legal in the UK"

Freema Agyeman talks with Gary Russell

Ken's ribbon for Gary

Someone spent a great deal of effort to collect ribbons

Dalek Karaoke

T-Rex and elrina753 went a bit crazy with the Queen Galleia photo shoot. But I'm not complaining! (note: these pics are theirs, except for the first one which was from tennis_bear

T-Rex and I being silly on the "nipple couch" in the lobby

Yes, the closing ceremony was THAT CROWDED

T-Rex's Valentine's gift

Fun outside the hotel

Oh yeah, we went to the Griffith Observatory. Should I have mentioned that BEFORE posting that pic?

Some lovely flowers and palm trees on the grounds

Watching the planes land from below!

Surely this is a joke?

Iced coffee named after Canarsie! (The neighborhood in Brooklyn where I grew up)

Back at home again, Nymphadora stakes her claim for the TARDIS robe

This story wouldn't be complete without a nod to T-Rex. As we waited for the bags to come out of the luggage turnstile, he predicted EXACTLY that mine would be #7. Maybe he isn't a muggle after all . . .

Happy Whoing, f-list!

t-rex, dw, picspam

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