Doctor Who?

Sep 09, 2012 11:24

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t-rex, dw

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tresjolie9 September 9 2012, 18:09:04 UTC
Your theory makes sense, and I'm afraid that you are right. This is exactly the type of ish I expect from Moffat who unlike RTD, can't do soapy drama without being horribly, painfully sexist. It is the way he is going to attempt to capture what the show had during the RTD era, and has been completely lacking since he took over. But it isn't going to work and he is going to fail massively. With Donna and Rose there were sexist thing, but even St. Rose at her worst wasn't nearly as close to being as bad as Amy.

Also I'm hoping that with the way he handled Filch that there is indeed something going on with The Doctor's memory. This is not quite the same being as Ten, who relegated his double to another Universe for almost committing genocide.

Also I tried getting into Sherlock, I wanted to get into and love Sherlock. But after seeing a first series episode which was yellow peril, depicting Asians in a way I never thought I would see on television in my lifetime I just couldn't get into it.

ETA Also fitting into your theory, promotional pictures of The Doctor physically carrying a weak, passed out looking Amy. It is offensive in so many ways.


gina_r_snape September 10 2012, 23:23:35 UTC
He can't even do soap drama, tbh. I felt *nothing* at the prospect of Amy and Rory divorcing other than a faint sense of "Rory is better off without her, really." The Pond Scum Life bit felt very very forced.

And yes, I was not fond of that promo pic. But oh well.

Will you be at DWNY Thursday?


tresjolie9 September 11 2012, 00:09:33 UTC
I'm doing my best to be at DWNY on Thursday, will you be there?

I didn't even feel the need to watch Pond Life!


gina_r_snape September 11 2012, 01:10:57 UTC
I expect I will, barring any unforeseen circumstances!

T-Rex seemed quite keen to watch Pond Life. So he more or less talked me into it. :D


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