Doctor Who?

Sep 09, 2012 11:24


So, let's just take it as READ that Moffat is an a$$hole who is both sexist and homophobic and utilizes those for punchlines, shall we? Cuz I have something far more interesting to talk about with these first two episodes.

T-Rex and I have decided that Asylum of the Daleks opened a theme for the series. Doctor Who? Memory will be key to this series, and the Doctor is going to have an identity crisis.

In Asylum of the Daleks, the Doctor tells Amy in the beginning that the way to beat them is to be remembered. He also presses Darla (the "fembot Dalek puppet") to remember her daughter. Oswin tells Amy the way to keep her humanity is to hold onto memories of love. Oswin insists she's still human to the end, because she blocked out becoming a dalek and held onto aspects of her humanity. Her love for her mother, and souffle making, for example.

And of course, at the end of the episode when the Doctor realizes Oswin has done a thorough job of erasing him from the dalek memory bank, he twirls and sings "Doctor WHO?" with glee.

Sure, this might be an episode-only theme. But I don't think so. Series openers set the tone. In in this second episode - Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - one single curious thing happens that supports this theory. The Doctor does not appear in Solomon's database. Isn't that curious? Even if THIS Doctor could be explained as unrecognized due to regeneration, he should still be a "valuable commodity" owing to the fact that he's the last timelord. Surely, no?

The Doctor is also curiously harsh in setting Argus Filch's Solomon's fate. He's not only crashes the Silurian "Noah's Ark"with reckless abandon. He's pillaged and destroyed for his own purposes. And he tortures animals. He shows no redeeming features. So he deserves no mercy. At least, that is how we are meant to view it. But has the Doctor forgotten himself, in how he deals with rogues? Would bringing him to the Silurians for sentencing be a better option?

A couple of other anvils (not related to identity) were dropped in these two episodes, for those who don't pay attention to the news. Twice in two episodes Amy alludes to her own demise. And of course, Rory's amazing nursing skills are witnessed for the very first time when he helps Arthur Weasley his father. Amy also appears "pale" in Asylum. I predict she is pregnant, and that her death is both pregnancy and dalek-related.

Oh but do I ever wish she were pregnant with a squidgy dalek. But then, I love me some crack. And I digress.

Amy and the Doctor all but marry one another in Dinosaurs. 'Til death do us part'-style. But will she forget who he is, after having lost her bracelet on the asylum planet? You know, at the very least, that Rory's rad nursing skillz will fail him when she needs him. And I'm willing to bet the Doctor will "lose it" and Rory will wish he never remembered meeting the Doctor.

Oh, and before I forget, I give you this fanart that I saw on tumblr, but someone named akasealion:

So those are my thoughts thus far. What say you, flistees?

t-rex, dw

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