I'm not yet dead!

Apr 30, 2012 12:46

On the contrary, Saturday was my birthday. I opted for a low-key late night (post-shabbat friendly) dinner after a series of ideas were thwarted due to a combination of timing, weather, and the lack of desire on my part to put in much effort organizing. But among the attendees were my Jew Crew, pov_power, elrina753 and a handful of suspects DWNYers. And today I've taken a rare vacation day to catch up on sleep, cleaning, and of course LJing...

While chatting over dinner, pov_power noted the striking contrast in my LJ entries of late, in that they are all work-work-work now. And it's true. I'm exhausted. When I'm exhausted, it takes a toll on me physically, emotionally, and intellectually. I feel myself getting bored with life. And that's bound to be reflected in my LJ entries (both content and volume). Some of my staff are impossibly juvenile. But what can I do except soldier on for now?

But there is hope on the horizon. A candidate has emerged for the Director of Social Services position, and as soon as that's firmed up, I can look forward to having someone take some of the pressure off all my attention (at least on some of the more contentious aspects of my job staff-wise).

But life has NOT been all about work. In the past few weeks I've gone on a photography trip to the abandoned section of Untermyer Park (after it being mentioned to me by erratic0101), gone with pov_power to see her sister play some experimental music (where Sufjan Stevens quietly and discretely joined the ensemble), had a lovely sun-drenched brunch, and today I'm at home relaxing and uploading photos that have been waiting a long time to see the light of day.

So here, without further adieu, is a picspam in four parts. Entries to follow:
* NY Botanical Garden
* Victorian Funeral Reenactment from Autumn;
* Untermyer Park;
* Videos and sundry.

As some of you know, I picked up a Nikon D3100 SLR camera back in August of last year. So most of these photos were taken as I try to learn about my camera. As a birthday present to myself, I've signed up for a lesson at the SoHo Gallery for Digital Art, which features a 2 hour lesson followed by a gallery showing a month later. So we'll see if there's much improvement between these photos and what comes after! :-D

Anyway, I hope you are all well. I do hope to get back to my old journaling self at some point. I'm in there somewhere, I promise!

In the meantime, enjoy the photos.

shelter, picspam

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