Computers and Waris et Le Chat Noir

Apr 11, 2012 23:00

Well, today was insane. The internet at work turned into a clusterf*ck of fail. erratic0101 is now doing IT for the shelter, and he spent a good 6 hours in my office trying to make it work. Thankfully, he's enjoyable to have around. By the end of the day I was cracking up laughing because it was one of those things where if you didn't laugh, you'd cry.

I was glad to have his company, though, because I was quite exhausted today. Last night was our who_york event. Waris Hussein at the Paley Center. WE SOLD OUT!!! 200 seats in the main room, PLUS 70 in the overflow room!

Waris was a delight, as always. And he seemed genuinely happy to have me assist him again. Here are a couple pics of Waris, one with me assisting him, and one of me in the audience asking him a question (it was on the tv screen in the overflow room). I'm amused by my hand (I do tend to talk with my hands).

Waris hadn't watched An Unearthly Child in a very long time, and he confessed forgetting how funny it was. He talked a lot about movement, how to keep people's attention with limited space, cameras and budget but a lot of exposition. He also talked about how Doctor Who helped shape his career, about his journey into directing (fighting the odds against racism at the time) and both the frustrations and benefits of the old BBC.

It was a terrific evening and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I met his partner and some lovely friends. I got to see the green room and some of the backstage area of the Paley Center (including the control room) which was loads of fun in its own way. And I got to be a part of history as the event was recorded for the Paley Center, which is not just a performance venue. It's also a museum of television and radio.

I leave you now with this video, assured to amuse cat lovers and french film lovers alike! I'm off to bed cuz WOW am I tired after the last two days.

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shelter, dw, picspam

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