Happy Halloween, and y'know, other stuff

Oct 31, 2011 23:13

All the Whovians and Tennant fans, you HAVE seen this right?!

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and this

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Elsewhere in the world of Gina, work is starting to calm down a bit. Still no viable candidates to fill my old position. But at least one major project for our Executive Director is winding down.

Teaching this semester has been, well, work. My students are nice but very quiet, many not overly articulate, and many completely unfamiliar with LGBT issues. So if there's something that comes before 101, then many of them are that. It's forced me to slow down and cover a lot less ground than I was prepared for based on previous classes. But hey. At least I got to show two Daily Show clips!

Winter has suddenly arrived in NYC. We had actual bona fide snow on Saturday. I was meant to go with a friend to a Gotham Girls roller derby game, but the weather was too too dreadful to wander the CCNY campus in the evening. So instead stayed home away from the freezing snow and sleet. I stopped at a cheese shop for some products on the way home from class (always a dangerous prospect!) and wound up baking a buttermilk wheat bread and cooking a potato broccoli cheese soup with some produce from my final CSA haul of the season. I used a mixture of cheddar and gruyere and it was lovely. Recipe? Saute an onion in butter and oil. Add some garlic. And salt. Add potatoes, carrots and boil. Oh, add some water. Then boil. Add a bouillon cube. Boil some more. Add some broccoli. Boil even more. Puree with stick blender. Add cheese. Try like hell not to burn your skin as the cheesy potatoey mixture bubbles and splatters. Fail at this. Add salt to taste. Devour.

Here, these'll warm you up and fill your belly

elrina753 and I went to the Merchants House Museum funeral reenactment on Sunday, though. We didn't dress up as it was too cold and my skin is reacting badly to the sudden onslaught of heat in my flat. But I used my new SLR and my new iPhone 4S so stay tuned for photographic experimentation.

Today at work I wore . . . basically my regular clothing. But it felt liberating for the holiday. Black dress. Black stockings. Black boots. Spider necklace. Skull scarf. Black blazer. Broomstick earrings. About the only thing that wasn't everyday wear was a black velour cape with a Slytherin patch I had sewn onto it many years ago. Someone mused that Halloween is a suiting look for me. I had to laugh.

Happy Halloween, flist!

csa, teaching, cooking, dw, picspam

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