The body, the brain, the Buzzcocks

Oct 18, 2011 21:32

When three of my last five entries have me using the icon of zzzzzzzzz exhausted Noel Fielding on the floor in a Nana dress, you *know* that I must truly be exhausted.

But Sunday I had a brilliant, wonderful, amazing day. And now it's Tuesday and I'm still trying to write this entry!

So perhaps let's start with last week Wednesday. tennis_bear invited me to a film put together by someone he knows. It's about "Flagging" in the queer community, and while not the best documentary I've ever seen it certainly had its moments of capturing community and reminding me that dance was once a kind of moving meditation for me.

Here are a few pics of people entertaining us before the film started

It was called "A Flow Affair" if you are interested.

On Saturday after teaching I saw some buskers (who might or might not also be furries) in the 59th St. station. They were not your usual acts, as you can see here

So I recorded a snippet for you.

image Click to view

I also ate a lovely acorn squash last week

found myself with my darling lovely doctorpancakes on Planet Giant Nutella Breakfast (hope you don't mind me posting that, bb!)

and met Ian McNiece at another Who York event (and ran into the lovely macbeemer!).

But the highlight of my weekend was getting a full-body massage. I purchased one for myself at a discount for my birthday and was waiting for the right time to use it. Well, therapist was named Frank Mariglia and he was amaaaaaazing. Not only did he give a fantastic massage, he also did a bit of a stress-reducing counseling session that included a free astrological report. I'll definitely go back to him again.

He works out of his home, and look at the name of the building!

The entrance was decorated for Halloween, too, which made me smile.

The massage was well-deserved because I hadn't had a day off in over two weeks. Taking over as Program Director has been great in some ways. There are times when I stop and realize just how self-directed I am in the things I need to get done. I feel like I have a purpose. I have a vision for the shelter, though it will take time to make it happen. I desperately need to hire my own replacement, which is an interesting prospect. Candidates have really ranged, some overqualified, many without the right credentials, and some that are just mind-boggling. Some have graduated from the program I teach, though I've yet to recognize any of the names.

Today I sort of "caught" myself while opening mail. Such a mundane task, but it was a bill and I felt the weight of responsibility in that action. Caught in the act of doing my job, you might say.

I'm in good spirits, but I come home exhausted. My exercise routine has fallen by the wayside. I may try to pick it up again next week. But right now I'm just not going to judge myself for any of the things that need more attention than they are getting. Exercise. Dieting. Dissertation. Cleaning. Right now it's a one-day-at-a-time deal and I'm ok with that. I feel like I'm on at the beginning of a new part of my life with this position. And it's good.

But I'll leave you on a high note with a gif. This week's Buzzcocks was hysterically funny, more than a little bit sexy, and makes me ever more glad to be a fan for it was the perfect way to end a Monday. Because nothing says rap music like patting invisible shapes. GO TEAM ABSTRACT! Sooner or later I NEEED come up with a story where this gif is appropriate. I swear.

boosh, dissertation, shelter, dw, picspam

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