I should really be in bed

Mar 08, 2011 00:31

I should really be in bed right now. But I had some caffeine earlier and still passed out on my couch. Then bluestocking79 and I got into some heavy duty visual scrutiny of some pictures that woke me right up. So I'm gonna force the sleep issue in a few minutes. But first, I meant to post about my weekend.

drfardook and I took a trip to Pearl Paint and picked up ( Read more... )

soh, boosh

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Comments 27

iddewes March 8 2011, 06:37:47 UTC
ha ha oh that is cute. ;)


gina_r_snape March 8 2011, 14:41:43 UTC
Thanks! :)


dickgloucester March 8 2011, 07:32:26 UTC
LOL - very sweet!

I like your friend's hair, by the way.


lanitha March 8 2011, 12:59:22 UTC
I agree wholeheartedly! On both accounts! ;)

Glad you're finally feeling better Gina!


gina_r_snape March 8 2011, 14:47:18 UTC
Oh you.

Here's another pic of his hair. I took it when we went to a cajun sandwich shop after our day of art.


Getting better, but not 100% yet...


lanitha March 8 2011, 18:11:55 UTC
That is definitely some awesome hair! Am quite jealous actually! :P

100% Will follow soon enough now the real progress is noticeable. :)


brilliant_snark March 8 2011, 15:54:28 UTC
OMG, freaking adorable! :) Vince's EYES!

I'm glad you've gotten SOME good rest and that you're finally on the upswing, even if it's still slow going. *hugs*


gina_r_snape March 8 2011, 16:08:13 UTC
Thanksssss. :)

His eyes are leftover beads from what I bought to write "Time Lord" on the bottom of my shoes. I'm contemplating cutting up a piece of Christmas garland so Vincey can have a boa. I may also make him a cowboy hat.

BE thinks he looks like Amy Pond. LOL


brilliant_snark March 8 2011, 16:17:47 UTC
Vincey TOTALLY needs a boa.

He does not look like Amy Pond - but he does look like he might have raided her closet? LOL.


gina_r_snape March 8 2011, 16:22:53 UTC
I wouldn't put it past him to do so! :D


bluestocking79 March 8 2011, 16:57:39 UTC
Eeee, sorry to keep you up with Fangirl Detectives: The Case of the Missing Body Hair. ;-) But it did help distract me from my headache, so thank you! (And the high-quality video really did provide some amazing detail, didn't it?)

I still adore Clay!Howard and Clay!Vince! I didn't get to properly admire Vince's nose last night, but it's excellent. I'm still in love with his big, sparkly blue eyes and Howard's tiny ones... and Vince's glittery studded shirt, and Howard's trilby. Aww. :D Tell me you're going to post that to the BSH when you're finished!

The kiss one is so sweet. Gives me an excuse to use this icon.

(And yes, he does have lovely hair.)


gina_r_snape March 8 2011, 17:09:44 UTC
Gah! Icon love!

You should definitely NOT apologize for keeping me up with Fangirl Detectives. It was the highlight of my evening. ;-) Glad it distracted your headache. And yes, high def is gooooooood. Let me know if you want any other screen grabs.

I will definitely post on the booshslashhaven when the project is complete. Heeee. You like Vince's nose? It's still a bit crooked. I need to fix that. But yeah, I definitely wanted to pay homage to the Fielding schnozz.

Wow, all the girls are fawning over drfardook's hair today. He'll be chuffed, I'm sure. The LUSH conditioner has really done wonders on it.


bluestocking79 March 9 2011, 00:30:44 UTC
Aww, thanks! It's by fifteenminutes. I was looking at the animated text icons there (which are really nice, by the way), but then I stumbled on this and had to have it. I think it just might be my go-to Howince icon. :D

It was the highlight of my evening, too. Cheers! I'm rewatching it tonight, so I'll try to keep an eye out for anything else that might make a good screen grab.

I love Vince's nose, really. You got the arc of it just right. I understand wanting to pay tribute, because that was the one bit I just had to sculpt by hand when I did the snowmen. He wouldn't be Noel without that nose, you know? It has to be there.

Well, it's very nice hair! Girls like a man with good hair. And LUSH is the best.


gina_r_snape March 9 2011, 03:23:11 UTC
I totally looked at your UI page and followed the link to fifteenminutes to snag a few icons!

LUSH really is the best.


(The comment has been removed)

gina_r_snape March 9 2011, 03:23:47 UTC
Oh my goodness. Thank you!!!


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