I should really be in bed

Mar 08, 2011 00:31

I should really be in bed right now. But I had some caffeine earlier and still passed out on my couch. Then bluestocking79 and I got into some heavy duty visual scrutiny of some pictures that woke me right up. So I'm gonna force the sleep issue in a few minutes. But first, I meant to post about my weekend.

drfardook and I took a trip to Pearl Paint and picked up some art supplies on a whim. Over a meal at Buddha Bodai, I came up with the idea of making a stop motion animated film of Howard and Vince. So we decided to make clay models of them to amuse ourselves. They are still works in progress, but here they are. We also drew Stationery Village, taking turns with the "buildings" and details. My bus came out waaaaay too small, but it's comically small so we found it funny. I think we'll use our drawing as the backdrop if we manage to get software and actually film a clip.

Here is clay!Vince in the making, with Howard in the background

drfardook works diligently on clay!Howard

Vince whispers something into Howard's ear

and then goes in for a kiss

Stationery Village, with a towering Paper Clip Castle

Fear not. We won't be quitting our day jobs to pursue art careers any time soon. (I'm not sure, but I think I can hear jigglykat sniggering all the way from Boston at that thought).

On Sunday my friend BE and I went to Ikea. I bought new pillows and a couple of bits and bobs. I confess, dear readers, that I cannot go to Ikea without buying some of their foodstuffs. Lingonberry jam, Swedish Fontina, cardamom biscuits and some of that squeezable fish stuff in a tube, to be precise. Going to Ikea is a bit like traveling. You do come back with souvenirs.

The best part about Sunday, though, was waking up feeling fully rested. For the first time in over two weeks I felt like I might have passed a hurdle and am truly on the mend. I'm still experiencing symptoms, but they are discernibly waning.

Ok, now I'm off to bed for real!

soh, boosh

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