Hospital, friends, Wuthering Heights

Feb 26, 2011 23:17

Today was extremely unsettling. I woke up with a severe blood sugar drop. I was experiencing shortness of breath and a fever. After being ill for a week, I was deeply concerned to find my condition escalating. So I phoned the doctor who was very alarmed by how I sounded. He (and some friends on FB) urged me to go to the hospital ER for a chest X-ray to rule out pneumonia. I honestly felt like I was going to die, and anyone I spoke with today concurs that I sounded terrible. I could barely breathe. Speaking and walking was nigh impossible. I was genuinely frightened at one point, as it hurts to cough and when I cough I can't catch my breathe.

Turns out I just have an extremely nasty viral infection. The doctor gave me something called Tessalon Perls and I swear it's a miracle drug. It's calmed my bronchial tubes. So while I'm still congested, I can at least breathe now. My friend KS said I was incoherent earlier - words were coming out in spurts and not in the correct order. An hour later and I was a whole new person.

Flist, I am so grateful for my friends. Firstly, BE came over this morning and got rid of my rubbish and brought me juice (the rubbish had accumulated over a few days and was verging on living in squalor as I hadn't the energy to take it out). Then my friend KS picked me up from the hospital and got my prescription filled. She phoned ME & AJ of the Jew Crew, and they brought me soup and challah bread. I've never felt so cared for and NOT alone in my life. It's quite scary to live alone and wonder if anyone will be for you in your time of need. But my friends were there for me and it meant the world.

I leave you now with a video someone made of Noel Fielding's performance on Let's Dance spliced side-by-side with the original (Kate Bush Wuthering Heights). On a day when I feared not being able to breathe, I nonetheless use the term breathtaking to describe his performance. What a treat after such a rough day.

image Click to view

ETA: Oh, and lest I forget. The attending physician who treated me today was named Matt Smith. That's right. The Doctor. I seem to be following in jigglykat's footsteps, for those of you who know her story about Rory. ^_^


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