Alive and back from Gallifrey

Feb 21, 2011 23:15

I am alive, and almost well and have photos to upload. I met some amazing COSplayers, got to catch up with some old friends and make new ones, spent the day as Waris Hussein's lady in waiting (he was the super surprise guest of my dear friends in Podshock), and generally got away from the computer and from everyday life. Though I did go waaaay over my text message allowance (220/200 with 21 days left to my billing cycle) and forced my account to unlimited this afternoon. LOL

Alas, I also came down with a cold that I think was set in motion days before flying. :( So today instead of unpacking and posting pics, I slept and ate comfort food. Tomorrow work, unpacking, snuggling under a blanket with a certain someone and maybe rewatching An Unearthly Child. But I promise, I will post photos. There were so many great COSplayers and I know you want to see them all. But for now I leave you with three of me that were uploaded by others to FB. I give you Queen Victoria, and her nighttime counterpart Burlesque Victoria (alas, it was too cold to take her out for a grander spin). Middle photo courtesy of fiendish_thingy and last photo thanks to my friend JD

Oh, and before I pass out again I just have to say - elrina753 is the best DW con suite mate evar. ILU BABE!


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