
Oct 27, 2010 18:11

Well, medical seems to be the theme of the day. This morning I went to the NYU hospital site in Lower Manhattan next to Trinity Church to help out a friend and contemplated the fact that one of NYC's oldest cemeteries is right next door.

Then this afternoon at work a client had a seizure in his room. We found out because he's in a double and his roommate couldn't open the door so came to us for help. Come to find, the client had fallen on the floor and hit his head. There was a massive pool of blood and . . . stuff (coagulant?) right at the entrance to the room when you open the door. His head was none too pretty either.

EMS acted promptly. My staff and I participated in a good dose of gallows humor. But one of them was unflinching in using the spill kit to clean up the blood. What great staff I have.

But . . . eurgh.

I just can't seem to scrub that out of my mind's eye. I'll be seeing it all night as a finish grading papers.
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