Apr 21, 2005 14:14
so im getting the runaround with doctors again tell me something new and now im not the only one starting to see it. i mean i just wish people would just have a bit more of an open mind cause when your closeminded about stuff than its just so stupid. im seeing this shrink to help me figure out why i have such a hard time now getting my shots. so ive noticed that she doesnt seem to understand the true hardships that ive had. i dont care who you are but if needles dont bother anyone then your just plain screwy. i hate the fact that it has to go into the vein i wish it was as easy as taking a small needle into the muscle. but alas it isnt so ive got to take a large well more like a medium sized neelde and peirce skin and then hope that it makes into the vein in one stab. theres nuthing that says a walk in the park like feeling a needle poke at your vein. so if my shrink cant even phantom as to why im having such a hard time with then i think that its time to move on. all i need is to wrap up the sessions and hope that my portland doctors get what they need. basicly right now im jumping through hoops to please the specialsts up there. they have a lot of pull and are actually doing some good but i just hope things can even out here soon.
ive got to fundraise myself for the next family vacation this time were going on a 10-day cruise in hawaii. i need to raise 2g's before June. im pretty sure i can pull it off but its going to be tuff. this will probally be the last major family trip well take. unless things start looking better for next year.
i get to try a new drug called paxil its new for me at least. it seems to have worked wonders on my cusin im kind of hoping that maybe this will do the trick for me. cause its amazaing how ive come this far and yet im still not sure if i turned out for the good. lot of shit i sit in everyday its hard not to think about it at times cause its all around you. well im for now ive got some shit to do so ill be around.