You know what would be awesome, Schuldig? You staying a good five hundred meters away from me at all times. Now that's real romantic. Didn't some old fart say distance makes the heart grow fonder?
Haine, we (mostly you) need to get the hell out of our room. Shit's driving me mad.
I think I would pay to get a job, this place is so fucking boring. I think boring is coming out of my ears because I'm so bored. Bored, bored, bored, fucking boreeeeeed.
Why the hell do I write in this? I must be really bored. I love my life, especially when I'm getting shot at.
I have my eye back, I have them both. I don't smell like smokes, I don't even need one. Hahaha, what the fuck is going on? Not that I mind, and I think I'm seeing things. Brother...