Aug 26, 2005 13:04
There must have been about twenty of them last night. It just emphasises the flaw in Japanese lifestyle to me. They were all parked along this one road, they always are, I see them every night I cycle down there on my way back from work. My headlight always shines into the car, making me feel rather awkward. The cars are a disturbing presence, but I take that road because of them. I feel safer cycling down a road infested with couples in their cars than a deserted one.
Japanese men and women tend to live with their parents for as long as possible. My uncle is a good example of this, since he only moved out about five years ago when he got married. People like him can't bring their girlfriends back to their homes if what they are looking for is privacy. They are forced to go to Love Hotels or park their cars where they think nobody will disturb them. When they finally get married and move out, like my uncle, they are then obliged to take care of their parents. In my uncle's case this is unlikely, but most Japanese sons have to then invite their parents to live with them. There goes the private space you're still trying to pay the mortgage for. Then the kids arrive and they won't leave until they get married. They just become burdens to each other without re-evaluating their lifestyle and thinking of ways to improve it. This cycle is what causes all these cars to appear on this one road. It's what causes people like me to feel awkward when our bicycle lights reveal what the couples park on the road for. Obviously, there are plenty of families that are sensible enough not to do this to each other, but the row of twenty + cars I see on one road alone after work, indicates that not enough families have broken away from the comfort of following a cycle.