(no subject)

Sep 06, 2005 17:15

Last night I finished "work" at half past nine but I didn't leave until around eleven. I was sitting with Kawahata san and Igarashikun talking over some glasses of oolong tea and beer and before I knew it, I was running late for my bus. On my way home I was messaging Seth about the weekend and all was going well and I was feeling rather content. Then this morning my Dad told me that my mum doesn't want me to go with Seth. I understand, and I realise it probably wasn't a good idea to begin with since I am still with Yohei. So without protesting, I messaged Seth to tell him that I couldn't do what we had planned. He said he understood, but wasn't too pleased to hear the news nonetheless. Again, I understand where he is coming from too, because I know that all he wants to do is spend time with me as a good friend. I then told him that I would feel uncomfortable because I have a boyfriend and that I would feel the same way if he had a girlfriend, or something along those lines. It turns out he does have a girlfriend that he failed to tell me about. I wasn't angry, nor was I jealous, but I felt lonely. He always fails to tell me these things and I don't know whether it's because he can't trust me, or because he doesn't really think I need to know. I thought it would be especially relevant information if he was planning to go on a short trip with me. Again, I wasn't cross with him, just disappointed. I was, however, angry when he said that he thought it was ridiculous for me to still be with Yohei. He seems to believe that it is perfectly normal to say that he loves me and secretly (though he claims he mentioned her) have a girlfriend that he planned on never telling me about, yet it is ridiculous to stay in a long-distance relationship with someone you really care about. I realise Yohei is on the other side of the world, but that doesn't stop me from having feelings for him.
Speaking of Yohei, I missed a call from him yesterday and I tried to call him back but I couldn't reach him. I tried to reach him on msn but I keep finding Hayato is online instead. He told me Yohei's number, but now I am too afraid to call in case his mum picks up. You all (especially Trish) know that I am not good with the phone, so it may take me another few weeks to work up the courage to phone him. In the meantime I will have to wait for him to call me again.
If this typhoon stops me from having dinner with Reina tonight, I shall become a very dangerous person.
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