Apr 16, 2007 20:51
aww, man..
I hate closed-mindedness.
And I have standards.
Standards for *close* friends, for people I hang out with, love with all the applejuice I can muster.
I am starting to realize that sometimes you just gotta give people tough love.
And if that doesn't work... tough luck.
It's a difficult thing.
Because it means
Sometimes I
just cant
Some people really do have chemical imbalances. But sometimes, Prozac isn't the answer, because it'll up the happy-s, but not fix any of the problems that you have with yourself... or that other people have with you. You see, sometimes it can prevent you from achieving a certain something that is important in life. It is called Growing. Up. Yes, maturity is something that cannot be attained by amassing large quanitites of knowledge. It must be lived. It must be learned through living. And it must be cultivated, and cultivated in the ranks of living, breathing human beings.
Some people are ignorant. I don't hold stuff against ignorant people, because ignorance is a result of just not having had the information that would help make you un-ignorant. But for people who knowingly close their minds off from things... who refuse to embrace the full spectrum of the worl, with its complexity and diversity... who cannnot accept the good with the bad, and the ambiguous, and come to terms with the fact that some things and people really CAN'T be understood... well, we have a problem.
I do not like seeing smart people try and show off their smartness, only to reveal how little they truly know. I do not like how some people who do not listen, especially to instructors. It is rude. I do not like listening to people who talk like they are experts in a field, when I know that what they are saying is completely wrong and/or outdated. I do not like feeling like I am such an intolerant person as to hold things against people such as these. But I am starting to realize that humouring such a person probably causes damage in and of itself. First and foremost being my own brain cells.
I have my standards, several levels of them in fact. YOu may be an acquaintence of mine and how you behave and think will not be held against you. You can be a friend and not meet my higher standards. But you are probably not a close friend unless I believe you are trying to reach, capable of reaching -- or in rare cases, you already have reached -- the high standards I have you. And trust me, the standards I hold for myself I impose on nobody else but G, as they are ridiculously high, but I am striving to reach them always. I see myself type this and wonder what is wrong with me, and realize that this is how most people operate, they just don't acknowledge it.
I wonder why I feel so ignorant of things.. like I am a beetle on an iceberg, and while I can explore the iceburg's tip, there is so much still underwater. I wonder even more why I have been called many odd things in recent weeks, most notable and embarassing being: "chaos", "genius", and "magical". I am totally confused on the first, completely deny the second, and would love for the third to be true.
I spend much of my life in constructive confusion.