Nov 19, 2006 11:22
yee! Impatient impatient impatient!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....
In other news, me and Josh went to Target.
I helpteded him pick out a microwave for himself! And we drooled over holiday food treats and gift boxed things...
I re-stocked up on a lot of household supplies that I had been holding out for with the intention of making a hardcore target run. I was not disappointed.
Also got random candy. I don't know why. No, yes I do. The candy was on sale. And I like bringing candy to class. It's like halloween every day when you've got genette in your life, always with at least 4 kinds of snacks in her bag, not to mention tea... Yeah. Anyways.
..I bought some of those, too, out of utter curiosity. TEABAGS!!!! Per-bag cost of 18¢, so I don't feel guilty, when a cup of coffee is 1.00$ +...
I also {gasp!} splurged 50$ on a KitchenAid immersion blender. Those blenders that are shaped like sticks with power cords, and are great for splatter-proof mixing of batter and other fun things. I got fed up with beating cream cheese and muffie batter by hand... I also got more silicone muffin cups so I can bake more than a dozen at a time. Cheesecakelettes, while undeniably awesome, take nearly an hour to bake, so doing 12 at a time is kinda laaaaaaaame.
My maple-brown-sugar cinnamon-swirl cheesecakelettes are heavenly and grand, and have occasional fluffy and crisp dots of carmelized brown sugar cinnamon on top! I am bringing them and some sweet potato spice muffies to the Walsh/Kozlowski pre-thanksgiving dinner. I hope they enjoy!
And then I will make more for the REAL thanksgiving dinner. In excess, so that it can be carted to LA, and maybe su will indulge.
Geez, this will be the first thanksgiving in a long time I'm not stuck in a dorm cooking for other people who are stuck in a dorm with no home to go to...
It will be nice. Teemonster is loverly. Oh. so. LOVERLY!!