"I won't be ashamed of the things we once made..."

Dec 20, 2004 13:13

Disclaimer: This is not a post to start trouble. This is not to point fingers at anybody. These are my feelings on life, and should be considered as such. Any childish, high school remarks will be ignored, but left alone, so that those childish remarks can be the proof of their own legacy.

The more I go through life, the more I realize people cause their own pain and suffering. I do it to myself, sometimes, but most of the time I catch myself. I learned that the hard way when I freaked out on my midget without a really good reason. I also find that out every time somebody just can't open their mouth in public and say out they feel. Why is everything such a secret? Why do people hold things in until they blow up out of control? Why do people whine and get all emo over little things?

People thing friendships are finished because of relationships. I find that to be complete utter bullshit. I haven't lost Danielle or Keith (both of them my friend before they were together) because of their relationship. They haven't lost me cuz of Ellie. It's because we talk. We have communication. We don't hide shit from each other. We're family. Any good friendship is based on communication skills. I've known Keith for a long time, but Danielle I've known for much less time, and Ellie for a very short time, but they're all on equal ground with me. For a minute or a millennium, friendship is friendship, and if it's a true friendship on both parts, that will never, ever end. I know I'll be an old 80 something year old guy with a walker chasing Ellie around and Keith and Danielle will just roll their eyes at me and say "Typical Tom!"

I got angry at Ellie because she held something back about how she felt to me. I told her such. I told her that she needs to communicate these things to me, because there's no secrets between us. Yeah, I'm angry, but I'll get over it. It's because I communicated my feelings and she now does as well. It's not one of those stupid little high school relationships where one little thing can blow the whole deal apart.

People also need to get over things that get blown out of proportion and misread. I hear things things that were really nothing still being talked about. Amongst other completely untrue things, I've been accused of being a racist. I have black friends. Ellie has black friends. I mean, c'mon, she lives in Jersey City! She wouldn't have lived to be 24 if she were a racist white girl in Jersey City! I made a simple off-color remark and it got totally blown out of proportion. I didn't mean to offend anybody, and I'm sorry for that, but people that don't know me shouldn't judge me, and people that claim to know me should simply know better. What's wrong with eggplants anyway? It's over. Seriously, GET OVER IT. And that's not the only thing. JUST GET OVER IT! I know I graduated high school almost 8 years ago, and I thought I left gossip bovine feces behind.

Holding back your feelings causes nothing but trouble. Secrets kept turn into lies perpetuated. Lie perpetuated turn into anger. Anger turns into lost friends.

There are certain people in my life I can count on. I call them family. Regardless of their relationship status, we'll always be friends, 'til the day we die, and I love them with all of my heart.

I'm just tired of everybody pointing fingers and crying foul. If people can redeem themselves, I don't hold grudges. Hell, aren't I the one that infamously has always let people walk all over me? However, I've learned that people can't redeem themselves on the surface but continue to be shady, because I'm tired of being walked on.

I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. I screw things up. I've even had trouble taking my own advice. But, unlike most people, I try to learn from my mistakes and grow from them. If you see me making a mistake, tell me as a friend. Don't point it out as a character flaw and hate me for it without giving me a chance to rectify the situation. That's what I feel happens too often.
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