Mon-sooner than later

Jul 08, 2011 15:13

It rained here yesterday.

I'm not talking heavy rain, or Pouring-rain, or even cow-pissing-on-a-flat-rock-rain, I'm talking BIBLICAL rain! Serious "wrath-o-God" stuff. At one point it was coming down so hard I couldn't even see the first row of cars in front of the store. (and that's barely 15 feet from the door!) Intersections and overpasses all over the metro-area were flooded up to 6ft deep! Added to that were the 50mph winds, which were enough to send us into the back room as we were afraid that the windows were going to blow-in. Then, as suddenly as it started, it was quiet. Quiet that is, until the tornado-sirens went off and the radio told us to "seek shelter"! This whole process took about an hour, after which is just kept up a steady rain. We then got to spend the rest of the business day running around with buckets and trash-cans to catch water. Today has been spent inventorying what all was damaged by the leaks. The whole store has that "Eau de Swamp" smell going on right now. Lovely.

Personally, I always keep in mind that nature is nothing to be fooled with, but apparently the Big Guy upstairs feel the need to keep reminding everyone who doesn't, just in case.

And of course, I forgot, (AGAIN), that it's "Dress Like A Cow" day at Chick-Fil-A, where if you dress up like a cow, you get free food. If I had any idea where my cow-suit is, I would have tried to find it in time for this year's event. *sigh*
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