Local Bird Goes To Con, Has Fun, Dinner

Apr 18, 2010 13:26

Yesterday I attended Star-Fest, our local general sci-fi con. No real agenda. I didn't suit up or attend any panels, just hit the dealer's room, visited friends, and entered a model in the model contest. My main reason for attending was to see some friends who were in from out-of-town and socialize. I have to admit, I'd really like to have taken Kookie, but the first "furfag" or "kill it with fire" comment I got would have resulted in violence on my part, as I'm in no mood for such retardedness these days. So, I'll wait til I have something suitably "sci-fi".

I did get to spend some quality time with the Carspeckens, who were here for the weekend, and we actually got to go out to eat with no drama or problems, so the "Gilmore-dinner-out-at-a-con-jinx" is broken!
We had a lovely dinner at The Elephant Bar last nite. Good conversation and good food was had. Despite the rainy weather, it wasn't a bad day at all. The only drawback was that my recent illness, (which I'm still fighting), has left me with zero stamina, so I was dragging pretty hard when I got home.

I'm gonna have to design a sci-fi critter of some sort for Archon this fall. Hmmmmmmmmm...........
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