Still not afraid

Mar 22, 2017 19:17

This went round a lot back in 2005, when the 7/7 attacks took place. It's resurfaced on FB today.

I quote from, of all sites, NewsThump:

>>>Don't give them the anger they want. Focus on the amazing job done by the public and emergency services. Don't look at the apparent carnage, look at the people rushing towards the unknown to help others. Make the story about the resilience of London and its citizens. They want your anger, they want your fury - and they want you to focus it on anyone different from you. Don't hand them an easy victory.<<<

It seems, according to C4 News, as if the attacker was a former sidekick to Abu Hamza. He was shot after he stabbed a policeman, and the police and emergency services then worked hard to save his life, while an MP ran to give the policeman first aid.

There are still reasons to be proud of my country.

It goes without saying my thoughts and sympathies are with the victims and their families - a bunch of Breton schoolchildren were hit and three at least are in hospital.

We will not be intimidated by this. We will not let it affect our democracy. We are not afraid.
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