Oh, Interwebz! How I've missed you!

Jul 05, 2007 22:24

Work right now is totally kicking my ass and I hate it, hate it, hate it. I'm going to be dog sitting for my parents during the last week of July and I'm contemplating just taking that week off. Sure I'd be stuck with the dogs and not make any money (con) but I would also not be at work (HUGE pro). Right now it's an idea that's still in the wishful thinking phase. My major major beef with work at the moment, besides the hellish hours, is the fact that iPod usage is now not allowed.


Where was I when it suddenly morphed into communist China around here? Did I miss an email?

Also: I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF HEARING ABOUT THE iPHONE!!! I will place the following anti-iPhone rant under a cut so those who are likewise sick of the hype can skip over it as I am conscious person like that.

For the past week all my Dad has been able to talk about is the iPhone. He had to order his online because that's the only way he could use a $50 off coupon he got from Apple in the aftermath of that whole iPod battery debacle and that coupon was just burning a hole in his pocket! That means that he's waiting (not patiently, mind you) for it to arrive in the mail. Yesterday, at the family Fourth of July festivus he made a special announcement that after he got it he would be "the coolest member of the family" to which my Aunt Mary replied "look around you, Randy. That's not really a hard goal to achieve." UGH! Plus there was the whole thing about trying to find a way to get a discounted monthly plan because my father barely uses the cell phone he has now. The man doesn't even know how to send a text message for Christ's sake and he's ordered himself up an iPhone! I am just over the hype, over my Dad and I'm especially over talking about it! Except I totally did touch one in the Apple store:

Now in my defense, I did not go in there with the express intent to touch an iPhone. My cousin Iris is having trouble with her seven month old MacBook (trouble as in, the damn thing won't turn on) so we went in there to talk to a "genius" and they were running ten minutes behind on their appointments so we looked at one to kill time. I will say, the screen has some sick resolution and you can see how small it is in compared to my phone, a Motorola Razr, but at $600 you've got to be freaking kidding me.

I will admit that I have gotten a small amount of joy from telling him about all the rich celebrities who all managed to get iPhones before him (thank you, ohnotheydidnt) like:

Lindsay Lohan. "Gee, Dad, she managed to get an iPhone while in rehab!"

The Wentz-ster. Mainly I'm posting this picture to point out that, while the iPhone does cost a whopping $600, the fugly bag Ashlee Simpson is carrying retails for $1,195.00. For that amount of money I could pay my car insurance, credit card and cell phone bills for the month of July AND keep a full tank of gas in my car for the next three months... and it's not even a fucking cute bag!

celebrity excess, ranting, iphone, life fucking sucks, pics

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