Screw YOU Ticketmaster! Now with added picspammage!

Jun 24, 2007 21:02

This weekend was a wash for one and one reason only: I did not get White Stripes tickets. They are coming to Chicago for TWO SHOWS in October and I have been denied entry to both. Both! Unbelievable! After going through the strenuous mental pep-talk involved to get me to spend money I don't really have right now in such a frivolous manner on the principle that in October it will all be ok... except it won't because while I may be more fiscally solvent by then I will still be without a ticket to see The White Stripes. Thanks a lot, Ticketmaster. I blame you and your very hard to read code words that you insist I decipher before I can even see if tickets are available or not.


For the rest of you who are in better spirits have a picspam:

No words for this... except that Bill Beckett looks wasted... do those Academy boys really drink as much as the fans fictionalize? Anyone know where this pic was taken? Perhaps at some kind of Magical Mystery Emo Tour that only played one show in the land of wind and fairies?

I don't really know anything about Panic's "before they were famous" back-story but I've been hitting the Panic fic pretty hard and there's a few of them that talk about Brendon flirting with a career in hairdressing before Wentz deigned to make them the boy band for the new millennium. So is this true or false? Also, Spencer is so only putting up with it because cameras are present. I truly believe he is the bitch in this band and not that skinny one who's under contractual obligation to make out with Pete Wentz.

That paper hat is really what makes this funny. That and the concept of this guy actually being able to hold down a regular job.

This is not what you think! The kid is Dirty's, so Patrick has not spawned (though he keeps threatening to talking about it in interviews) nor is he an uncle. I seriously FEAR the time when all these popular young musicians of today will start spawning. If we think the young kids of today's Hollywood are disgraceful with their antics, I don't even what to think about the next generation of feckless and over-privileged "celebrity spawn"... and look at how unhappy that kid is! It's almost like he knows that his Dad is a professional whipping boy and is already worrying about whether or not that runs in the family.

Speaking of Dirty; I don't like that guy. Am I the only one who is seriously disturbed by his and Wentz's "friendship"? Does it bother anyone else that Wentz feels the need to have someone on his payroll whose sole purpose is to be physically abused by him and the rest of his cronies? I understand the juvenile appeal of Jackass and how much men bulging with testosterone love to shoot things out of air rifle/launcher-thingies, but there's something about the Dirty-Wentz relationship that seems a lot more sinister and harmful than anything those Jackass guys ever did to each other. I've noted that Spencer Smith doesn't agree with me.

This grosses me out more than watching all those plastic surgery shows on cable TV.



Yes fangirl with glasses and fangirl dressed up like Frank Iero circa 2005, Ray Toro IS god!


With a 45% chance that Jon Walker hit that.

What the hell was he thinking? "Oh, drat! The night appears to be a tad warmer that I thought. Well I'll just quickly remove my super-tight sweater out here in the open... next to fans... fans who have cameras... so I don't interrupt one minute of signing creepy sketches of Gerard or taking pictures with signs hastily scribbled onto notebook paper. Genius idea!"

Patrick about to hug some guy from The Hush Sound. This is Patrick's "I'm in a really good mood and you're a really good friend" move that precedes the actual hug, which is bear-esque and full-bodied (like wine or an imported laager). I've seen it in action before and I hate myself a little bit for being able to identify it so easily.

bad moods, ticketmaster is the devil, pic, mcr, fob, p!atd, picspam

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