Aborted Holiday Project #2

Nov 19, 2006 23:11

Ever since my cousins Kate and Iris reached the unpredictable teenage years I've just been giving them gift cards for Christmas. I usually wrap it up in some kind of bag I decorate myself but this year I thought about making a plush bear with a personalized scarf and tucking the gift card under there (the idea is a blatant rip off of this chick and her adorable bunnies). A fine idea, sure, except for the fact that I'm not a good sewer nor is it a craft that I have any real patience for. Usually my finished products end up in the trash or in good will and yet I still blow a significant amount of money on fabric every year (I've also convinced myself to try my hand at curtains some day, even though I probably know how it will end up I still tell myself "it's curtains... how hard can it be?"). I spent all day Saturday making this "test bear" and, duh, I'm not satisfied with it.

It's not bad, but the feet and arms are too small, the fabric has some kind of miniscule glitter in it that made an insane mess while working with it and the fabric I made the scarf out of wrinkles like crazy.

In case you were curious, Aborted Holiday Project #1 was Christmas cards. Every year since college I've been making my own because a) it's way cheaper and b) you could get away with a really nice handmade card qualifying as more of a "gift" to those far-away friends you only talk to once in a while. Last year was the first year people actually complained to me about the cards I made, and ok, it might have been warranted. This year any card I make will probably just be more of the same, so I've decided... screw 'em.

And since I had stolen the camera...

At any given time, I have three half-filled or barely started sketchbooks lying around. The one on the bottom only has about ten blank pages left in it so the top one is its replacement.

Where said sketchbooks reside. Along with a ton of magazines I haven't read and random books I've never opened and papers I feel are necessary to life (for some reason). I have low-grade pack rat tendencies. Really, just low grade. If you don't believe me I'll take a picture of my father's home office. That guy knows how to be a pack rat... in fact I think he still has every issue of Popular Science from 1972 to 1984.

I have many writing utensil needs.

Jewelry I made over the summer that I've been meaning to post to craftgrrl.

Ah, beauty products. I love how I wear no makeup on a daily basis, dress like crap and have hair like a wild shrub but still manage to acquire a metric ton of crap to slather on my face at morning and night... and slather I do. The contents of the pictured tray are as follows (clockwise starting from top left): Small bottle of hairspray, four kinds of body lotion, deodorant, vaseline (the best thing for dry lips in the wintertime), two kinds of facial lotion, vitamin E oil, daily spf for the face (that's the jar that is upside down... I need a refill), two kinds of mascara, cuticle oil, lip gloss, three kinds of acne medication, eye cream, eye drops, vitamin C (that's not usually there, it's just because I had a cold), daily protection cream and contact lens solution. Frankly, I don't think it's possible to get more personal than that.

crafty, random, holiday, pics

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